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VCUG或排尿cystourthremon图是一种最小的侵入性测试,使用了特殊的测试x-ray技术称为透视to visualize your child's urinary tract and bladder.

A VCUG can help:

  • 诊断vesicoureteral reflux,尿液以错误的方式流动的疾病,从膀胱回到肾脏
  • determine why your child has recurring尿路感染
  • 发现抗生素治疗或抗反复手术是否有效
  • 检查尿道是否有任何异常或阻塞


VCUG由部门of Radiology's Diagnostic Radiology program, which has an experienced team of pediatric radiologists, nurses, technologists, and aChild Life专门致力于使孩子的访问尽可能安全,愉快和舒适。

  • 具有丰富经验和培训的儿科放射科医生执行该程序。
  • Technologists have years of experience in imaging children from infancy to teenagers.
  • Skilled staff employ age-appropriate distraction techniques to help comfort patients prior to and during the procedure.
  • Equipment is designed specifically for pediatric use, which means age-appropriate care for children.
  • Protocols have been adapted to keep radiation exposure as low as reasonably achievable without compromising the image quality.

We perform more than 2,000 VCUGs a year, almost all without sedation. Our Child Life specialist supports your family before and during the exam.


How do I prepare my child for the VCUG?


考试前没有限制饮食。如果您对测试有疑问或如何帮助您的孩子准备,则可以在您去医院之前致电617-355-6923致电儿童生活专家Angela Franceschi。


Angela Franceschi, child life specialist, talking about a urinary tract imaging test called the voiding cystourethrogram


在对我们的患者的调查中,父母比较了VCUG的不适感与免疫相似或更好(Sandy N等。评估未经镇静的儿童的父母满意度的评估。:662)。


When you arrive in the Radiology Department:

  • You will check in.
  • You will be greeted by a staff member who will ask you some questions about your child's condition, explain the test, and answer your questions.
  • Your child will change into a hospital gown.
  • 如果您的孩子接受了厕所训练,将要求他在考试前去洗手间。
  • You and your child will be taken to the procedure room.


  • 技术专家将帮助您的孩子进入荧光镜检查表。
  • 您的孩子将需要卸下内裤和袜子。
  • Your child will need to lie on his or her back. Girls will position their legs like a frog's. Our VCUG team is very aware of the sensitive nature of the area to be tested and makes every effort to ensure privacy and comfort.
  • 技术专家将戴上干净的手套,并用肥皂和水在棉球上洗涤。对于您的孩子来说,保持静止并避免触摸腰部以下的身体将很重要。我们意识到铺设仍然可能对您的孩子有挑战,我们将为您提供有关分散孩子注意力的方法,以帮助他们保持身体的静止。
  • The radiologist will then gently slide a very small tube (a catheter) coated with numbing gel into the small opening where urine comes out of the body (the urethra). The catheter can sometimes make children feel as though they need to urinate.
  • The tube will be taped in place and a urine sample will be collected.
  • A radio-opaque liquid will flow from a bottle through a tube, and into the catheter to fill your child's bladder. This contrast material illuminates the urinary tract on x-ray images.
  • 使用荧光镜检查,一种特殊的X射线技术,放射科医生将获得孩子膀胱填充和排空的图像。您将能够在房间的显示器上看到这一点。
  • 如果您的孩子已经足够大,我们会请他或她将桌上的小便到毛巾或杯子中。这可能很困难,但这很重要。膀胱满时,婴儿会自己小便。




  • Some discomfort, pink urine, or feel a bit of stinging while going to the bathroom. This is normal and will go away. Drinking extra fluids will help.



Your child will be exposed to ionizing radiation (x-rays) during this procedure. While we always attempt to minimize exposure to x-rays, we believe that the benefit of an accurate diagnosis outweighs the exposure that occurs during the exam.

Because children are more sensitive to radiation exposure than adults, we have been leaders in adjusting equipment and procedures to deliver the lowest possible dose to young patients.

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