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Primary Percutaneous Gastrojejunostomy |Overview


波士顿儿童医院主要方法如何placement ofpercutaneous gastrojejunostomy

Our pediatric interventional radiologists, the doctors who do the procedure, are highly trained in the performance of invasive procedures on infants and children.

In addition to the interventional radiologist, your child will be cared for by a team of anesthesiologists, nurse practitioners, nurses, and technologists who specialize in caring for children undergoing interventional radiology procedures and treatments.

We perform primary percutaneous gastrojejunostomies in our suite on the second floor of the hospital, which features three procedure rooms equipped with the latest imaging technology, a recovery area for patients who have received sedation or anesthesia and examining rooms for outpatient visits.


What is a primary placed percutaneous gastrojejunostomy?



When might a primary percutaneous gastrojejunostomy be needed?

  • 适用于上空通道异常的儿童
  • for children with gastroesophageal reflux and aspiration
  • 对于脆弱,复杂的儿科患者



  • You will meet with the pre-op nurse and anesthesiologist.
  • Laboratory testing will be completed.
  • 根据孩子的历史,可能需要进行其他测试。
  • 在进行程序之前,您还将与IR护士从业人员见面,他们将解释该程序并提供有关胃肠道造口管的指示。
  • 请至少计划两到四个小时进行手术前访问。

Your child may receive general anesthesia to help him stay still during the procedure. General anesthesia is medicine that causes deep sleep. The anesthesiologist will discuss this with you and obtain consent, either the day of the procedure or at a scheduled pre-operative visit.


  • 向您的孩子保证您将在手术过程中靠近。
  • Your child may bring a favorite toy or blanket into the room.




  • where and when you will need to arrive for your procedure
  • 当您的孩子停止进食或喝酒时

The interventional radiologist will explain the procedure to you and your child. Before the procedure begins, you must sign a consent form. You must be your child's legal guardian to sign this form. If you are a legal guardian and not a parent, you must bring legal paperwork with you showing proof of legal guardianship.


  • You and your child will be brought into the room where the procedure is done. You may be able to stay until your child becomes drowsy or falls asleep.
  • At the beginning of the procedure, the interventional radiologist will examine his upper abdomen using an ultrasound probe.
  • 管将通过他的鼻子进入胃,并用来注入一些空气。
  • 将一些局部麻醉(麻木药物)注入皮肤后,介入放射科医生将使用X射线监测器指导针头穿过皮肤并进入他的胃中。
  • 然后将导线穿过针,该导线部署了固定缝合线并将针移除。
  • A catheter is then passed along the guide wire and advanced through the duodenum into the jejunum.
  • 然后,将导管在导管上换成胃肠道造口管。



  • 一名护士将带您的孩子参加干扰后护理单元(PACU)。您将被允许进入恢复区。
  • The nurse will monitor your child closely until your child is transferred to the floor.
  • 介入放射科医生将与您谈论该程序。

Is a primary percutaneous gastrojejunostomy safe?



How do I learn the results of the primary percutaneous gastrojejunostomy?


Contact Us
Boston MA 02115

fax: 617-730-0541

Primary Percutaneous Gastrojejunostomy |Programs & Services
