
Pediatric Neurological Examination |Overview

What is a neurological exam?


  • mental status (level of awareness and interaction with the environment)
  • 运动和感官技能
  • 平衡与协调
  • 反射

There are different parts to a standard neurological exam, and the ones that your child’s doctor focus on depends on factors including your child’s symptoms, age and health.

Why does my child need a neurological exam?

If your child’s nervous system isn’t working properly, it can cause delays in her normal development and functioning. Early detection means that we have a better chance of identifying the cause, quickly treating her and decrease the chance that she’ll have long-term complications.


  • 抱怨症状包括:
    • headaches
    • 视力模糊
    • 疲劳
    • 发烧未知原因
    • change in balance or coordination
    • 胳膊或腿麻木或刺痛
    • decrease in movement of the arms or legs
    • tremor
  • 她的头,脖子或背部受伤
  • is experiencing a change in behavior, or in balance or coordination
  • has any type of birth defect to her head or spine
  • is currently being treated for a disease or condition




How long does the exam take?

The first thing the doctor will do is talk to you and your child about her symptoms, in order to get a good idea of which areas to concentrate on. After that part, the actual exam takes about 30 minutes.




  • Mental status.我们将评估您孩子的意识水平以及她如何与环境互动。可以想象,我们这样做的方式高度依赖她的年龄。对于年龄较大的孩子,我们要求他们遵循指示或回答问题。对于年幼的孩子,我们观看他们如何与父母互动。
  • Motor function and balance.如果您的孩子足够大,我们可能会请她:
    • push and pull against the doctors hands with her arms and legs
    • hop, skip or jump
    • 戴上尖端,脚后跟走,脚外走或脚内行走
    • squeeze fingers
    • stand with her eyes closed while being gently pushed to one side
    We may check how her joints move. If your child isn’t old enough to follow instructions, we may just observe how she moves.
  • 感官知觉。这检查了您孩子的感觉能力。我们可能会触摸您孩子的腿,手臂或身体的其他部位,并让她确定这种感觉(热/冷,尖锐/暗淡)。
  • 反射。如果您的孩子年纪大了,我们会通过轻轻敲击她身体上不同点的小而柔软的反射锤来检查她的反射。
  • 颅神经。There are 12 main nerves of the brain, called the cranial nerves, each of which has a number. During a complete neurological exam, we evaluate most of them, but we may choose to concentrate on certain areas, depending on her symptoms. Here’s a breakdown of the cranial nerves, what they’re responsible for and how we test them:

  • Cranial nerve(s) and number


    We may ask your child to:


    • smell

    • 闭上眼睛识别出不同的气味

    optic nerve (II)

    • vision
    • 在图表上识别字母,形状或图片
    • 也许识别不同的颜色

    trochlear nerve (IV)
    abducens nerve (VI)

    • moving the eyes
    • 保持它们“连接”
    • 控制学生的大小

    • use her eyes to follow a moving light or a moving finger while her doctor examines her eyes with a different light


    • hearing
    • 平衡

    • identify when she hears certain sounds


    • 味道
    • 吞ing

    • 识别出舌头背面的不同口味
    • 吞咽医生看着她的味蕾动作

    trigeminal nerve (V)

    • 触碰
    • 下颌肌肉的运动

    • bite down while doctor touches different areas of her face
    • close her jaw against slight resistance


    • 味道
    • 面部肌肉的运动
    • identify different tastes (sweet, sour, bitter)
    • 微笑
    • 移动她的脸颊
    • 展示她的牙齿

    vagus nerve (X)

    • 味道
    • 移动
    • 她的医生可能使用舌刀来引起插科打响应

    accessory nerve (XI)

    • 移动
    • turn her head from side to side against mild resistance
    • 耸耸肩


    • 移动of tongue
    • 伸出她的舌头
    • 说话

Can you give a neurological exam to an infant?

是的 - 新生儿和婴儿有一系列特殊的反射,我们可以测试,包括:

  • blinking: your infant will close her eyes in response to bright lights
  • Babinski reflex: as your infant's foot is stroked, her toes will extend upward
  • 爬行:如果您的婴儿被放在她的腹部,她会做爬行的动作
  • Moro's reflex: a quick change in your infant's position will cause her to throw her arms outward, open her hands, and throw back her head
  • startle: a loud noise will cause your infant to extend and flex her arms while her hands remain closed in a fist
  • 手掌和足底抓握:她的手指或脚趾会卷曲在该区域的手指周围

Each one of these reflexes disappear at a certain age.

When do we get the results of the exam?

Right after the exam. Your child’s doctor will talk with you about the initial hypothesis, what the exam showed, and what your next steps should be. The exam may indicate that another test is needed, such as a blood test, anMRI,或神经传导研究。您孩子的医生将很高兴回答您可能遇到的任何问题。

How Boston Children's Hospital approaches neurological exams

The神经病学系at Boston Children's is the oldest, largest, and best-known program in pediatric neurology in the world. We have been ranked #1 in neurology and neurosurgery byob 游戏

Our department includes child neurologists with special expertise in such areas as癫痫,学习障碍和其他developmental disabilities,注意缺陷障碍,sleep disorders, neuromuscular disorders,brain tumors, neurogenetic disorders, neonatal neurology, intellectual disability andcerebral palsy, pediatric neuro-immunology, and pediatricmultiple sclerosis以及相关疾病,以及其他儿童的神经系统疾病。您和您的孩子与我们在一起。

Pediatric Neurological Examination |程序和服务
