Current Environment:


A glomerular filtration rate test (GFR) is a measure of the function of your kidneys. Glomeruli are tiny filters in your kidney that allow waste products to be removed from the blood. The rate refers to the amount of blood that is filtered per minute.

A radiopharmaceutical called Technetium-99m DTPA is injected into one of your child's veins. Technetium-99m DTPA has a tiny amount of radioactive molecules in it.

After the injection, a 10-second picture of the injection site will be obtained. You will then be instructed to return to Nuclear Medicine for your child's blood to be drawn two, three, and four hours after the injection.

When might a GFR be needed?

The GFR allows the nuclear medicine physician to assess the degree of kidney impairment and to follow the course of kidney disease. However, the GFR provides no information on the cause of the kidney disease.

A GFR test can help measure kidney function in:

  • patients who are undergoing chemotherapy
  • 有一个患者renal transplant
  • evaluation of renal donors

How should I prepare my child for a GFR?


  • 为您的孩子提供一个简单的解释是有帮助的,说明为什么需要GFR,并向他或她保证您整个时间都会与他或她在一起。
  • You may want to bring your child's favorite book, toy, or comfort object to use during waiting times.



What happens during a GFR?

  • 我们的一位核医学技术人员将向您打招呼,他们将向您和您的孩子解释研究期间会发生什么。
  • 一小部分的放射药将被注入您孩子的一个静脉之一。
  • A quick picture of the injection site will be taken to assure the success of the injection.
  • After the injection your child will be free to leave. You will need to return to the department for blood draws at two, three, and four hours after the injection. The blood draws must be done from an extremity that was not used for the injection. The technologist will give you exact times to return for each blood draw. In between blood draws your child can conduct normal activities.
  • If your child has a double lumen catheter, it can be used for the blood draws. If not, your child can either have an IV placed or have three individual veni-punctures for the blood draws.
  • After the last blood draw, the examination is complete and you are free to leave.


Your child may experience some discomfort associated with the insertion of the intravenous needle(s). The needle used for the procedure is small. Once the radiopharmaceutical is injected, the needle is withdrawn and a bandage is placed over the site of the injection. The area where the injection was given may be a little sore.



  • Nuclear medicine has been used on babies and children for more than 40 years with no known adverse effects from the low doses employed.
  • The radiopharmaceutical contains a very tiny amount of radioactive molecules, but we believe that the benefit to your child's health outweighs potential radiation risk.
  • The camera used to obtain the image does not produce any radiation.
  • 如果您怀孕或护理,您可以在整个过程中与您的孩子在一起是安全的。




The GFR study will be processed, and the nuclear medicine physician will provide a report to the doctor who ordered your child's GFR. Your child's doctor will then discuss the results with you.


Our核医学和分子成像计划is committed to providing a safe, comfortable, and child-friendly atmosphere with:

  • specialized nuclear medicine physicians with expertise in interpreting GFRs in children of all ages
  • certified nuclear medicine technologists with years of experience imaging children and teens
  • 儿童生活specialists to help families prior to and during exams
  • 适合儿科使用的设备,这意味着适合儿童的年龄护理
  • protocols that keep radiation exposure as low as reasonably achievable while assuring high image quality.

Contact us

To schedule an appointment at any of the Department of Radiology’s locations, please call 617-919-SCAN (7226).

Glomerular Filtration Rate Test |Programs & Services
