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What is endovenous laser ablation?

Endovenous laser ablation is a minimally invasive technique used for treating some types of vascular malformations.

  • An interventional radiologist, using image guidance, inserts a catheter into the malformed vessels of the affected area. A laser fiber is then inserted through the catheter.
  • When activated, the laser produces energy that causes the blood within the abnormal veins to heat and bubble, damaging the cells in the wall of the vein.
  • 畸形的静脉在手术过程中缩小到几周到几个月,并且您的孩子身体通过健康,运行良好的静脉排除血液。

How Boston Children’s Hospital approaches endovenous laser ablation


In addition to the interventional radiologist, your child will be treated by a team of anesthesiologists, nurse practitioners, nurses and technologists who specialize in caring for children who have undergone interventional radiology procedures and treatments.


Frequently asked questions

When is endovenous laser ablation needed?


How should I prepare my child for procedure?

Explain to your child in simple terms why the test is needed and what will happen. You can say that you will be close by and that she may bring a favorite toy or blanket into the procedure room.

What will happen before the procedure?

A staff person from the hospital will call you a few days before your appointment to let you know where to go when you arrive at the hospital, as well as to give you instructions about when your child needs to stop eating, drinking, and/or taking medications.

When you arrive at the hospital:

  • The interventional radiologist will talk to you about the procedure and ask you to sign the consent form. (You must be your child’s legal guardian to sign this form. If you are a legal guardian and not a parent, you must bring the paperwork showing proof of legal guardianship.)
  • If your child will be having general anesthesia, a medicine that causes deep sleep, an anesthesiologist will meet with you to explain this and have you sign another consent form.
  • 你的孩子会变成一件医院礼服。
  • 您和您的孩子将被占据程序将完成的房间。
  • A nurse or anesthesiologist may start an intravenous (IV) line.
  • Once your child is asleep, you will be escorted to a special waiting area.


  • 放射学技术专家用特殊液体清洁皮肤,以帮助预防感染。
  • 介入放射剂通过皮肤的微小开口插入导管。然后将激光穿过导管并进入待处理的血管。
  • In many cases, the radiologist will also inject a chemical agent called a sclerosant through the same catheter to cause further shrinkage of the malformed veins.
  • When the procedure is finished, the radiologist will remove the laser and the catheter. The nurse then applies a dressing to the tiny opening in the skin. If the vascular malformation involves an arm or leg, a tight wrap or stocking is put on.

What happens after the procedure?

We will take your child to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU, or recovery room) to be monitored closely for several hours. You may stay in the unit with your child during this time.

How will I learn the results?



The healing process can take several weeks to several months, and your child may feel some pain or “tightness” as the area heals. We may prescribe pain medication; give it to your child as prescribed by your doctor or nurse practitioner.

We will also advise you on the level of activity your child can have after you go home.

Is endovenous laser ablation safe?



Contact us

Boston Children's Hospital
300 Longwood Avenue
波士顿MA 02115.

传真: 617-730-0541

Endovenous Laser Ablation |Programs & Services
