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About electromyography and nerve conduction velocity

我们所有的神经和肌肉用电get things done. In fact, you can think of your body as a machine with incredibly intricate wiring. To be sure, it’s more complex than any wiring system that an electrician would design. But — just as an electrician would do if some part of a machine wasn’t working as it usually does — a doctor can test how your child’s nerves and muscles are conducting electricity.

Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) are specific tests that help your child’s doctor see how his nerves and muscles are working. NCS measures how electrical signals travel through the nerves, and EMG records the signals moving through the muscles. Together, these tests are often called “EMG testing.”


EMG testing can help your child’s doctor diagnose many different neuromuscular and muscular disorders. It’s also used to check on how your child’s nerves and muscles are functioning later on, after he’s already been diagnosed and gotten treatment.


  • In nerve conduction studies (NCS), a doctor places three electrodes (stickers) on the part of your child’s body being tested, then sends small amounts of electrical current through your child’s nerves. These feel like static electricity that you experience in the winter. This part of the test usually takes 30 to 45 minutes.
  • 在肌电图(EMG)中,医生将非常薄的针电极(与针灸中用的针相似),将其放入一个或多个孩子的肌肉中,然后记录肌肉中电活动的记录。测试的这一部分通常不超过15分钟。
  • EMG有时不舒服,但是孩子通常能够忍受它。
  • On rare occasions, the test is done with general anesthesia.
  • Most children are able to go back to school the same day.


我们的EMG laboratory is just for kids. That means that all of our physicians and technologists are experienced in working with children, making them as comfortable as possible and putting them at ease during what can otherwise seem like a scary test. The lab is staffed by neurologists in ourNeuromuscular Center

创立于1979年,我们的EMG实验室继续为我们的年轻患者提供最复杂的测试。我们的特殊功能之一是单纤维EMG,这是一种特定的测试,可用于诊断肌无力重症but that’s rarely performed by pediatric specialists.

Boston Children's Neurology and Neurosurgery ranked #1

Boston Children’s has been ranked #1 in Neurology and Neurosurgery byob 游戏 in their rankings of pediatric hospitals.

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Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Velocity |In Depth


Nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) help your child’s doctor see how his nerves and muscles are working. Together, these tests are often called “EMG testing.”


EMG testing can help diagnose and evaluate a variety of disorders that affect your child’s peripheral nervous system, such as:

Nerve conduction studies (NCS)

The first part of the study, NCS, measures how electrical signals travel through your child’s nerves. This part usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes.

一名医生将三个电极(贴纸)放在孩子的身体(通常是他的手臂或腿)上。然后,医生使用刺激器通过孩子的神经发送少量电流。这并不痛苦;当您穿过地毯并触摸金属门把手时,您会在冬季经历的感觉就像是静电。电极记录了如何强烈和迅速发出信号穿过孩子的神经。该测量称为nerve conduction velocity (NCV)

Electromyography (EMG)

研究的第二部分,肌电图(EMG)记录了穿越孩子肌肉的信号。测试中的信息称为electromyogram。An EMG usually takes no more than 15 minutes.


This part of the study is sometimes uncomfortable, so our doctors always try to balance the need for information with the comfort of your child. If your child becomes really uncomfortable, your doctor may decide to stop the study early.


Specialized testing

In some cases, we perform specialized forms of EMG testing in order to answer specific questions your child’s doctor may have. These specialized tests may make the study take slightly longer than the usual timeframe of one hour.


If your child needs an extended version of these tests, we may perform her EMG in our一日手术单元using general anesthesia.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Velocity

Q: Is EMG testing painful?

A:The stimuli in nerve conduction studies (NCS) feel like static electricity (like when you walk across a carpet and touch a metal doorknob). The electromyography (EMG) portion of the test may be a bit painful for some children. But many children become distracted by the crackling sound of their muscles’ electrical activity and are able to tolerate the study without too much difficulty.

Q: What kind of information does the study give?

A:These tests help your child’s doctor see how his nerves and muscles are working. NCS measures how electrical signals travel through the nerves, and EMG records the signals moving through the muscles. This information can help your child’s doctor diagnose many different neuromuscular and muscular disorders.



有时,当我们觉得使用全身麻醉获得更好的信息时,我们可能会安排您的孩子的EMG测试一日手术单元。On rare occasions in which a child comes to the EMG laboratory but can’t tolerate the study (such as for some very young children), we may reschedule it in the Day Surgery Unit so it can be done under general anesthesia. General anesthesia is associated with a small risk of complications, which is why we don’t use it on a routine basis for this study.

Q: Will my child miss school as a result of this study?

A:The test usually only takes an hour, and most children return to school the same day. Some parents prefer to keep their child home for the rest of the day, depending on factors such as the child’s age. All children should be ready to return to school by the next day.

Q: Does the test cause any nerve damage?


Q: Can any other tests substitute for EMG?

A:If your doctor thinks that your child may have a muscle disorder, genetic testing may be enough to make the diagnosis. However, when the diagnosis is unclear, an EMG can help determine whether the nerves or muscles aren’t functioning normally. In some cases, a muscle biopsy or other test may be needed to provide a full diagnosis.

Questions to ask your doctor

If your child is going to be having EMG testing, you and your child probably have a lot of questions on your mind.What do the tests involve? Are the electrodes going to hurt my child?In these pages we’ve tried to provide some answers to questions you may have, and you should feel free to ask your child’s doctor about the tests, too.


Some of the questions you may want to ask include:

  • What will happen during the EMG testing?
  • 我们需要做些什么才能做好准备吗?
  • Will my child be able to go to back to school that day?
  • How is this test going to help in diagnosing my child’s condition?


参观波士顿儿童的For Patients and Families网站阅读所有有关:

  • getting to Boston Children’s
  • accommodations
  • navigating the hospital experience
  • 资源可用于你的家人

Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Velocity |Research

About the EMG Laboratory

我们的EMG laboratory at Boston Children’s Hospital is just for kids. That means that all of our physicians and technologists are experienced in working with children, making them as comfortable as possible during what can otherwise seem like a scary test. Our lab is staffed by neurologists in ourNeuromuscular Center

创立于1979年,我们的EMG实验室继续为我们的年轻患者提供最复杂的测试。我们的特殊功能之一是单纤维EMG,这是一种特定的测试,可用于诊断肌无力重症but that’s rarely performed by pediatric specialists.

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Electromyography and Nerve Conduction Velocity |Programs & Services
