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What is a DMSA renal scan?

A DMSA renal scan is a nuclear medicine test that shows pictures of the kidneys and how they are working.

How Boston Children’s Hospital approaches DMSA renal scans

The核医学和分子成像计划at Boston Children’s is committed to providing a safe, comfortable, and child-friendly atmosphere with:

  • specialized nuclear medicine physicians with expertise in interpreting DMSA renal scans in children of all ages
  • certified nuclear medicine technologists with years of experience imaging children and teens
  • 儿童生活specialists to help families prior to and during exams
  • 适合儿科使用的设备,这意味着适合儿童的年龄护理
  • protocols that keep radiation exposure as low as reasonably achievable while assuring high image quality


What is a DMSA renal scan?

  • A DMSA renal scan is a diagnostic imaging exam that evaluates the function, size, shape, and position of the kidneys and detects scarring caused by frequent infections.
  • Technetium-99M DSMA(DimerCapto琥珀酸)是一种放射性同位素,在扫描之前通过IV注射到孩子的静脉中。它被肾脏占用。
  • A special camera, called a gamma camera, is used to take pictures of the kidneys and show how the kidneys are working.



  • pyelonephritis
  • 左右肾脏的肾功能
  • 肾脏外交
  • 梗塞
  • 高血压
  • horseshoe kidney
  • acute renal failure
  • multicystic dysplastic kidneys
  • trauma


There is no special preparation needed for this test. Your child can eat or drink as usual.

  • 关于为什么需要进行DMSA肾脏扫描,并向他/她保证您将整个时间都与他/她在一起,这很有帮助。
  • 您可能需要在等待时间带上孩子喜欢的书,玩具或安慰物品。
  • We have various DVDs to choose from for your child to watch during the procedure or you can bring one from home.

Between the injection of the radioisotope and the scan, there is a three- to four-hour delay. In addition, the scan time is approximately 20 minutes. Please schedule your day accordingly.

What should I expect when I bring my child to the hospital for a DMSA renal scan?


What happens during a DMSA renal scan?

A DMSA renal scan involves three steps: injection of the radioisotope, a waiting period, and the scan.

Injection of the radiopharmaceutical:

  • You will be greeted by one of our nuclear medicine technologists who will explain to you and your child what will happen during the study.
  • 一小量称为Technetium-99M DMSA的放射性同位素将被一根小针注入您的孩子的静脉之一。


  • 您和您的孩子将自由离开部门,然后在三到四个小时后返回实际成像。技术专家将为您提供一个确切的时间进行成像的时间。
  • This delay allows the kidneys to absorb the radiopharmaceutical.

The DMSA renal scan:

  • When you return, your child will be asked to void (use the bathroom).
  • Your child will lie on the table and a large camera will be positioned above and below him/her.
  • The camera may stay still or move slowly around your child’s body as pictures are taken.
  • It is important that your child remains still during the imaging in order to obtain the best quality images possible. Motion will degrade the images and the images will need to be repeated.
  • You will be able to stay with your child for the entire time.

The average imaging time is 15 to 20 minutes.

Will my child feel anything during a DMSA renal scan?



Is a DMSA renal scan safe?


  • Nuclear medicine has been used on babies and children for more than 40 years with no known adverse effects from the low doses employed.
  • The radiopharmaceutical contains a very tiny amount of radioactive molecules, but we believe that the benefit to your child’s health outweighs potential radiation risk.
  • The camera used to obtain the images does not produce any radiation.
  • It is safe to be in the room with your child if you are pregnant or nursing.


Once the DMSA renal scan is complete, the images will be evaluated for quality. If the scan is adequate, your child will be free to leave and resume normal activity.


How do I learn the results of the DMSA renal scan?

The nuclear medicine physician will provide a report to the doctor who ordered your child’s DMSA renal scan. Your child’s doctor will then discuss the results with you.

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