

将中央静脉线(CVL)导管放入一个位于中心的静脉中 - 通常在您孩子的脖子,胸部或腹股沟中 - 因此,医生可以长时间内给予液体,营养或药物。这介入放射学划分usesultrasoundand a special type ofx-ray技术,称为透视,指导导管的放置。


Central venous lines are most often used to provide long-term intravenous care. Sometimes, they are used in very ill children who need secure intravenous access or in patients in whom other attempts at obtaining intravenous access have failed.





  • 向您的孩子保证您将在手术过程中靠近。
  • 您的孩子可能会将最喜欢的玩具或毯子带入房间。



你的孩子可能需要访问术前clinic, where she will meet with a nurse and an anesthesiologist, and undergo any necessary laboratory tests. You and your child will then meet with the nurse practitioner in the Division of Interventional Radiology. Please plan on spending between two to four hours at the hospital for the preoperative visit.


  • 介入放射科医生将与您谈论CVL插入,并要求您签署同意书。(您必须是孩子的法定监护人才能签署此表格。如果您是法定监护人而不是父母,则必须带上文书工作,显示法律监护权的证明。)
  • Your child will change into a hospital gown.
  • 护士或麻醉师可能会静脉内(IV)线。
  • 一旦您的孩子入睡,您将被护送到一个特殊的等候区。
  • 如果您的孩子有局部麻醉剂,则计划办公室将告诉您该过程的时间和何时报告。

What will happen during central venous line insertion?

  • 在开始手术之前,您的孩子要接受放松(镇静剂)或全身麻醉的药物。
  • 将导管插入的区域用特殊的液体清洁,有助于防止感染并小心覆盖窗帘。
  • 将局部麻醉注射到皮肤中,使区域麻木。
  • After localizing the vein to be catheterized with ultrasound or x-ray guidance, the interventional radiologist inserts a needle through the skin into the vein.
  • 导管通过针头,用于将适当长度的导管引​​导到正确的位置。
  • 或者,某些导管在皮肤下被“隧道”。这意味着,在将导管传递到静脉之前,导管的一部分会通过皮肤下的小轨道。该技术可用于长期导管,因为它减少了移位和感染的机会。
  • 这catheter is then secured and a bandage is applied.


  • Your child will be taken to the Interventional Radiology Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU). You will be allowed to come to the recovery area to be with your child.
  • 这nurse will monitor your child closely until it’s time to be admitted or return to the hospital room.
  • 这interventional radiologist will speak to you about the procedure.


When performed by a trained and experienced interventional radiologist, CVL placement is safe. However, as with all invasive procedures, complications and side effects may occur. These will be explained to you in detail before you give your consent.

Your child will be exposed to ionizing radiation (x-rays) during this procedure. While we always attempt to minimize exposure to x-rays, we believe that the benefit of treatment outweighs the exposure that occurs during the exam.

Because children are more sensitive to radiation exposure than adults, we have been leaders in adjusting equipment and procedures to deliver the lowest possible dose to young patients.


This procedure is performed by interventional radiologists who are highly trained in placing these catheters in infants and children.

In addition to the interventional radiologist, your child will be treated by a team of anesthesiologists, nurse practitioners, nurses, and technologists who specialize in caring for children undergoing interventional radiology procedures and treatments.


