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What is the BRAVO pH test?

布拉沃®pH测试测量s the amount of acidity (pH) in the esophagus. This helps doctors diagnosegastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

For this test, a clinician will adhere a small recording device called a BRAVO capsule to the esophagus to monitor how much acid is flowing backward from the stomach. This is done during an上内窥镜检查.


After the endoscopy, the child will wear a wireless monitor that receives signals about acid reflux from the capsule for the next 48 hours. The capsule typically detaches and leaves the body through the stool within two weeks.

我应该如何为孩子准备Bravo pH测试?

在测试前一周,请与您的医生联系,并讨论您的孩子在Bravo pH测试中可以使用哪些药物,也不能服用哪些药物。阿司匹林产品和某些药物(处方和非处方药)都会干扰测试。

After midnight the night before the test, make sure your child has:

  • 没有固体食物
  • no milk or milk products
  • 没有公式
  • 没有橙汁,菠萝汁,葡萄柚汁或其他任何带果肉的果汁

If your child is older than 6 months, they may drink clear liquids until three hours before the test. Keep in mind that formula is not a clear liquid. The following liquids are fine:

  • 母乳
  • apple juice
  • cranberry juice
  • Pedialyte
  • Gatorade

Your child will need to stop taking any antacid medications at least 72 hours before the BRAVO placement.

What happens during a BRAVO pH Test?

A clinician will use an endoscope to attach a small capsule to the wall of your child’s esophagus. This capsule will record symptoms of acid reflux for two days after the procedure.

  • 您的孩子将通过IV(静脉注射)线给您的孩子进行药物,该管子连接了靠近皮肤表面的静脉,这会使他们困倦和放松。
  • 医生会在孩子的嘴里喷一只麻木药。
  • 在整个过程中,您的孩子将被固定在心脏监护仪上,并使用氧气监测器,以便医生可以关注其生命体征。
  • When the test is complete, the doctor will speak with you and then a nurse will bring you to the recovery area to be with your child.
  • A nurse will observe your child throughout the entire recovery time. When your child is fully awake, they may have clear liquids to drink. Once they can keep liquids down, the IV will be removed.

What happens after a BRAVO pH Test?

Children are usually able to go home about one hour after the endoscopy is completed. A nurse will review all instructions with you and give you printed information sheets to take home.


  • 如果您的孩子患有严重或持续的腹痛或胸痛,发烧,吞咽困难或在Bravo pH测试后开始呕吐,请致电医生。
  • After a BRAVO pH test, a BRAVO receiver must be on or within three feet of your child. You will hear a beep for 30 seconds if the receiver is too far away and the display will flash.
  • Usually within 30 days of placement, the BRAVO capsule is passed naturally in a bowel movement. It can safely be flushed down the toilet. Most likely, you will be unaware of its passage.
  • Until the BRAVO capsule passes, all types of MRI must be avoided. If your child has an MRI examination scheduled, notify the radiologist. An X-ray may be needed to confirm passage of the capsule before an MRI can be done safely.

The results of the BRAVO pH test results will be available in about two weeks. If biopsies were obtained, it will take about five to seven days for results to be available.

Bravo pH测试|Programs & Services
