Current Environment:



Skin testing is available for penicillin. Skin testing for other antibiotics, such as cephalosporins, can be done, but the validity is uncertain. Routine skin testing for sulfa drugs (found in Bactrim or Septra), erythromycin or clindamycin, isn’t currently available.

What is antibiotic testing?




Where is the medication/vaccine testing done?

抗生素测试是在过敏和哮喘计划在Fegan 6上Boston Children’s Hospital’s main campus(波士顿朗伍德大街300号)。


Arrival time:Please arrive 30 to 45 minutes before your child’s test. This gives you enough time to park and register at the front desk on Fegan 6. If you’re late, your appointment may be canceled.

Diet:Your child may eat and drink as usual before the test.

Medicine:You may need to stop some of your child’s medications before the challenge. Follow the instructions below. Talk with your child’s allergist if you have questions.

  • 哮喘药物:继续在测试前像往常一样给予每日控制者哮喘药物(示例:Singulair,Flovent,Pulmicort)。


  • 测试前两周:停止给予抗组胺药,因为这些会影响测试结果。在测试前两周停止给孩子的抗组胺药包括:
    • Allegra (fexofenadine)
    • atarax(羟嗪)
    • claritin(洛拉塔丁)
    • Cyproheptadine
    • XYZAL(左旋塞提嗪)
    • Zyrtec(cetirizine)
  • One week before the test: Do not give nonprescription cold or allergy medicine, as many contain antihistamines. These include:
    • Actifed
    • Benadryl(注意:您可以在挑战之前最多3天给予)
    • dimetapp
    • Pediacare
    • Tavist
    • Triaminic

If you do not know whether your child’s medicine has antihistamines in it, ask your pharmacist or call 617-355-6117 and speak with our allergy nurse.

If you are not able to stop a medication or if your child has symptoms while off a medication, call 617-355-6117 and speak with our allergy nurse.


Talking to your child:Explain in simple terms why the test is needed and what will happen. Some things you may want to say:

  • “在测试期间我会和你在一起。”
  • “您需要保持手臂或静止不动。”
  • “您可以将最喜欢的玩具带入房间。”

Ask a member of your health care team for the Family Education Sheet,Preparing Your Child for a Hospital Stay or Procedure, for more age-based tips.



What if my child is not feeling well the day of the test?

If your child isn’t feeling well, please let us know as soon as possible. Your child cannot be ill on the day before and the day of the medication or vaccine test. We will need to reschedule the test if you child has:

Please call 617-355-6117 to reschedule the medication or vaccine testing.

What happens during the test?

Your child is tested for an allergy to a medication or vaccine. There are several stages of testing, with 15 to 20 minutes between each stage. The following tests are done during these stages:

  • 皮肤刺测试:An allergy nurse places drops of liquid onto your child’s arm or back, and presses the liquid into the skin with an applicator.
  • A needle test (intradermal):An allergy nurse uses tiny needles to inject a small amount of the medication or vaccine under the top layer of skin on the upper arm.



If your child has a positive reaction, your child is considered allergic to that medication or vaccine. These reactions usually go away in 30 to 60 minutes.

Your child may have swelling and itching at the injection site four to eight hours after the test. You may use an over the counter hydrocortisone cream to help with this.

Your child may have a skin reaction at the injection site several hours after the test is done; this is called a delayed local skin reaction. This reaction is typically not serious and should go away over the next two to three days.



The allergist or nurse tells you the results of the test before you leave. Your primary allergist will discuss the next step or the plan of care with you at a follow-up visit or on a telephone call with you.

Antibiotic Allergy Testing |程式& Services
