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What is acupuncture?

针灸是指在战略上将微小的,纯净的针插入皮肤中,以缓解疼痛并治疗许多疾病。针灸在中国实行了2,000多年的历史,是基于这样的信念,即人体包含称为Qi(发音为“ chee”)的能量,这些能量在整个人体上流动在称为子午线的途径上。当您健康时,这种能量会自由流动,但是在疾病期间,能量可能会弱或阻塞。在针灸治疗期间,临床医生试图改善沿着子午线的能量流。

The improved energy flow produced by acupuncture results in stimulation of the body's natural healing abilities. Scientific research suggests that needling acupuncture points stimulates the body to release chemicals into the nervous system and into the bloodstream. These chemicals change the experience of pain and trigger the release of other substances that influence the body's internal regulatory systems. Acupuncture has proven successful in treating chronic pain conditions without side effects. It's also shown to be helpful in treating patients with:

  • Postoperative surgery and dental pain
  • Nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy
  • 鼻窦炎,支气管炎和哮喘
  • Gastritis, colitis, hiccups and constipation
  • Abdominal pain
  • Headaches
  • Low back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Stroke rehabilitation
  • Menstrual cramps
  • 网球肘
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Myofascial pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

How old does my child need to be to receive acupuncture?

Infants as young as 3 weeks old can undergo acupuncture therapy.

What happens before acupuncture treatment?

The acupuncturist will talk with you about your child's health history, including medications, diets and daily habits. The acupuncturist will also examine your child's tongue and checks the pulse in both wrists. The biggest challenge in pediatric acupuncture is addressing children's fear of needles. To deal with this issue, the acupuncturist may spend up to an hour with first-time patients and their families to make them completely comfortable with the procedure. They will carefully explain the process and can demonstrate it on their own hand or on your child's toy animal.

What happens during acupuncture treatment?

During the acupuncture session, your child will lie on a padded table. The acupuncturist will insert very thin sterile and disposable stainless steel needles into key points on your child's body. Because the needles are solid, they don't hurt as much as regular hollow hypodermic needles. Most children feel only minimal pain or a tingling sensation as the needles are inserted, and some feel no pain at all. Once the needles are in place, no pain is felt and most children begin to feel comfortable and relaxed. Each treatment usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes.

How many treatments will my child need?


Will my insurance cover medical acupuncture?


How Boston Children's approaches acupuncture

In theMedical Acupuncture Serviceat Boston Children's Hospital, our doctors are fully licensed in Western medicine and also have thorough training in acupuncture as a specialty practice. The advantage is that the physician is able to integrate both conventional medicine and acupuncture to treat illness.

Acupuncture |Programs & Services
