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Addison Lennon met all her early milestones: she sat up on time, crawled on time and walked on time. At about 4 months, however, she had a seizure, and her parents started to worry. By 9 months, her head appeared small for her age.

Her neurologist reassured the family that Addison could still be within the lowest 5 percent of the normal range. “We were thinking she was typical,” says Kari Lennon, “she would be in that 5 percent.”

At 15 months, however, Addison had another seizure that was a lot more severe. She had been tested for everything. No one could pinpoint the cause of her so-called microcephaly, or small head.


Reassured that Addison’s condition was likely caused by a virus her mother had contracted during pregnancy, the Lennons went on to have three boys, Sam, Jack and Brooks.

A new brother: Brooks

Shortly after his arrival, the Lennons knew that Brooks had the same disease as his sister. His head was small and as he grew, he too fell below the normal range. Could there be a genetic cause?

Kari remembered, from one of her late-night Internet searches, a clinic at Children’s Hospital Boston that specialized in hereditary forms of microcephaly. The clinic team, led by Christopher Walsh, MD, PhD, and which included Edward Gilmore, MD, examined the children. Addison and Brooks did not have any known heritable brain disease.

“Ed and I looked at each other and said, ‘maybe these children have Microcephaly with Seizures,’” recalls Walsh.

Discovered two years earlier by the Walsh team, Microcephaly with Seizures, or MCSZ, is an extremely unusual form of microcephaly in which the brain is of smaller size but is otherwise structurally normal. People with MCSZ have seizures, but typically many more than Addison and Brooks were experiencing. The team therefore suspected that the children had a mild form of MCSZ. The disease, however, had never been seen outside of the Middle East.


The phone call



卡里(Kari)的产科医生敦促家庭再与沃尔什(Walsh)团队伸出一段时间。也许他们已经确定了孩子小头畸形的原因。卡里回忆说:“我丈夫与她见面后,从汽车上发送了一封电子邮件。”“第二天早上,我们从布伦达·巴里(Brenda Barry)回到了沃尔什(Walsh)实验室,要求那天晚上与我们交谈,因为他们确实有新闻可以与我们分享。”

Just weeks before, the team had completed biochemical studies on cells derived from Addison and Brooks, and they now had evidence confirming that the two had MCSZ. Eleven weeks into Kari’s pregnancy, the growing fetus was tested and found to be free of the MCSZ mutations its siblings had.

“We never would have found this gene in the U.S.,” says Walsh. “We needed to go over to the Middle East to make a difference here.”

Amazing Grace

The day the Lennons’ new baby was born, they sent an email to the Boston Children’s clinic, announcing that she would be named Grace Gilmore, in part for the neurologist on the Walsh team, and expressing their gratitude for a healthy baby.

“I cannot remember a better day since I became a doctor,” says Walsh. “For a geneticist, this is as good as it gets.”

And Kari Lennon, knowing what is behind her children’s condition, can finally sleep at night. “We are so lucky,” she says. “They have just given us the biggest gifts in the world. A diagnosis for Addison and Brooks and a baby that is healthy.”
