

自2008年加入波士顿儿童医欧宝彩票平台院(BCH)以来,Rangel博士的研究工作着重于表征实践,资源利用率和大量儿科外科手术状况的变化,重点是儿科阑尾炎。这项工作的实际应用包括开发新颖的,基于价值的比较性能基准,用于在单个医院级别的质量改进(QI)工作的优先级,以及作为为协作QI努力设定国家优先事项的一种手段。这些基准用于开发第一个自动化和风险调整的比较性能报告卡,用于阑尾炎,阑尾炎是小儿年龄组中最常见和资源密集型外科紧急情况之一。这项工作随后导致了美国外科医生学院的儿科国家质量改善计划(NSQIP-P)的第一个特定疾病,比较绩效模块的开发和实施。该模块的数据目前分配给全国70多家医院,并为正在进行的多中心QI合作提供了基准测试框架,该协作致力于改善该疾病儿童的护理和价值。Dr. Rangel is the recipient of multiple sources of intra & extra-mural funding in support of his QI work, including funding from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Children’s Hospital Association, and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Initiative (PCORI).



除了他的研究工作外,Rangel博士还提倡通过他的许多地方和国家行政工作来改善儿童手术护理的质量和安全性。在BCH,Rangel博士目前担任儿科外科部的QI和患者安全主任,为BCH患者安全和质量研究的执行指导委员会成员,并担任NSQIP-P医院的外科医生冠军。在国家勒vel, Dr. Rangel currently serves as chair of the American Pediatric Surgical Association’s Committee on Patient Safety & Quality, chair of NSQIP-P’s Measurement & Evaluation Committee, vice-chair of NSQIP-P’s Executive Steering Committee, and recently served as the inaugural chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Surgery’s Committee for the Delivery of Surgical Care.

在国家勒vel, Dr. Rangel has also lectured broadly on the methods and implications of comparative performance measurement for driving QI in surgery, including meetings of the American College of Surgeon’s National Surgical Quality Improvement Program, American Pediatric Surgical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Children’s Hospital Association, among others. Dr. Rangel currently serve as an ad-hoc reviewer for QI & safety-related surgical research for a multitude of peer-reviewed journals including The Lancet , Annals of Surgery, and JAMA-Pediatrics, among others, and was recently recruited as the first and only surgeon to be standing member of the JAMA-Pediatrics editorial board.

