Current Environment:

研究人员|Research Overview

MPH医学博士Jay G. Berry是一名普通儿科医生和住院医生,专门从事医疗复杂性儿童的护理。他的大部分研究都检查了这一重要儿童人群的护理分娩,临床结果和健康资源利用。Dr. Berry’s current NIH and foundation-funded research on children with medical complexity includes the development and use of contingency plans, the use of machine learning methods to assess the impact of co-morbid conditions on health and utilization, and the development and use of standards of hospital discharge care.


2009-2014 Improving Healthcare Integration for Children with Tracheostomy

NICHD K23 HD058092-01A1
Principal Investigator

The goal of this project is to improve healthcare integration and decrease re-hospitalizations for medically-complex children using an innovative information technology application (personally-controlled health record).

2012-2014 Hospital Discharge Planning for Children

Principal Investigator

The goal of this project is to develop national standards of discharge care for hospitalized children.

2014-2015 Innovative Research Methods to Study Children with Multiple Chronic Conditions

Principal Investigator

这的目标s project are:

  1. To adapt for children a publicly available, comprehensive diagnosis classification scheme to describe identify and describe the clinical diagnoses of children with multiple chronic conditions (CMCC);
  2. to employ an innovative, machine learning method to systematically identify the most consequential interactions of coexisting chronic conditions in CMCC and to predict high resource utilization in these children.

研究人员|Research Background

Dr. Berry received his MD from the University of Alabama School of Medicine in 2001. He completed pediatrics residency at Primary Children’s Medical Center at the University of Utah in 2004. Dr. Berry completed the Harvard Pediatric Health Services Research Fellowship and the Harvard School of Public Health Clinical Effectiveness Program in 2006. He founded the Complex Care Quality Improvement Research Collaborative through the Children’s Hospital Association. He is co-chair of the Academic Pediatrics Association Complex Care Special Interest Group. Dr. Berry is the recipient of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Outstanding Achievement for Scientific Contribution Using HCUP Award, the Young Clinician Research Award from the Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology, and the AcademyHealth Nemours Child Health Services Research Award. His research has been featured in U.S News, WBUR (Massachusetts Public Radio), and the Wall Street Journal.


  1. Berry JG,Graham D,Graham R,O’Brien J,Hall M,Roberson D,GoldmannD。气管切开术后儿童的临床结果和医院资源的预测指标:五年多机构分析。儿科。2009; 124(2):563-72。
  2. Srivastava R,Berry JG,M Hall M,Downey J,O’Gorman M,Dean,M,BarnhartD。在具有神经系统障碍儿童的甲状腺素折叠术相关的住院治疗:回顾性队列研究。BMJ。2009; 339:B4411。PMCID:PMC2779335。
  3. Simon T, Berry JG, Feudtner C, Stone B, Sheng X, Bratton S, Dean JM, Srivastava R. Children with complex chronic conditions in inpatient hospital settings in the U.S. Pediatrics. 2010;126(4):647-655. PMCID: PMC2962571.
  4. Berry JG,Graham R,Roberson D,Graham D,Zhou J,Putney H,O’Brien J,GoldmannD。在气管切开术后儿童中与医院内死亡率相关的患者特征。拱门孩子。2010; 95(9):703-710。PMCID:PMC3118570。
  5. Berry JG,D Hall D,Cohen A,Kuo D,Agrawal D,Kueser J,Feudtner C,M Hall M,Neff J.医院的利用率和患者在儿童医院内经历复发的患者的特征。贾马。2011; 305(7):682-690。PMCID:PMC3118568。
  6. Berry JG, Agrawal R, Kuo DZ, Cohen E, Risko W, Hall M, Casey P, Gordon J, Srivastava R. Characteristics of hospitalizations for patients who use a structured clinical care program for children with medical complexity. J Pediatr. 2011;159(2):284-290. PMCID: PMC3138997.
  7. Berry JG,Poduri A,Bonkowsky JL,Zhou J,Graham DA,Welch C,Putney H,SrivastavaR。PLOS MED。2012; 9(1):E1001158。PMCID:PMC3260313。
  8. Cohen E, Berry JG, Camacho X, Anderson G, Wodchis W, Guttmann A. Patterns and costs of health care use of children with medical complexity. Pediatrics. 2012;130(6):e1463-1470.
  9. Berry JG, Hall M, Hall DE, Kuo DZ, Cohen E, Agrawal R, Mandl KD, Clifton H, Neff J. Inpatient growth and resource use in 28 children's hospitals: A longitudinal, multi-institutional study. JAMA Pediatr. 2013;167(2):170-177. PMCID: PMC3663043.
  10. Berry JG,Toomey SL,Zaslavsky AM,Jha AK,Nakamura MM,Klein DJ,Feng JY,Shulman S,Chiang VW,Kaplan W,Hall M,MA,Schuster MA。小儿再入院患病率和医院的变异性。贾马。2013; 309(4):372-380。PMCID:PMC3640861。

