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Researcher |Research Overview

Dr. Gregory Priebe’s research focus is on the prevention of hospital-acquired infections, which he pursues through leadership in patient safety and quality efforts, through clinical research on ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and ventilator-associated events (VAE), and through basic research on bacterial genomics and vaccines. Dr. Priebe’s basic research lab studies the Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, and members of the Burkholderia cepacia complex, all with the long-term goal of developing vaccines and new antimicrobials. Techniques used in the Priebe lab span multiple fields, including microbiology, molecular biology, bacterial genomics, cellular and molecular immunology, and animal models of infection.

In parallel with his bench research program, Dr. Priebe runs the Critical Care Infection Prevention Program (CCIPP) at Boston Children’s Hospital. The CCIPP consists of the Nosocomial Infection Oversight Committee (NIOC), which oversees healthcare-associated infection surveillance and infection prevention practices for the hospital’s 4 ICUs, and the Translational Research for Infection Prevention in Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care (TRIPPACC) Program, which is a multidisciplinary research group of investigators in pediatric critical care medicine, bacterial pathogenesis, infectio.

Researcher |Research Background

格雷戈里·普里贝(Gregory Priebe)博士在哈佛医学院获得了医学学位,然后在波士顿儿童医院完成了儿科居住和主要居住地,然后在波士顿儿童医院获得小儿传染病和儿科重症监护医学的奖学金。欧宝彩票平台他获得小儿传染病和小儿重症监护医学的董事会认证。

Dr. Priebe is the Associate Program Director for the Fellowship in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, where he serves as the Director of Fellow Research, and he is also the physician site leader at Boston Children’s for the national Solutions for Patient Safety network.


  1. LiebermanTD, MichelJB, Aingaran M, Potter-Bynoe G, Roux D, Davis MR, Skurnik D, Leiby N, LiPuma JJ, Goldberg JB, McAdam AJ,Priebe GP, Kishony R. Parallel bacterial evolution within multiple patients ties novel genes to pathogenesis. Nat Genetics 2011; 43(12):1275-80(PMCID3245322).
  2. Skurnik D, Davis Jr. MR, Benedetti D, Moravec KL, Cywes-Bentley C, Roux D, Traficante DC, Walsh RL, Maira-Litràn T, Cassidy SB, Hermos CR, Martin TR, ThakkallapalliEL, Vargas SO, McAdam AJ, Lieberman TD, Kishony R, LiPuma JJ, Pier GB, Goldberg JB,Priebe GP。靶向抗泛抗细菌,其在感染过程中表达的宽阔的表面多糖抗体。J Infect Dis 2012;205(11):1709-18。EPUB 2012 3月23日(PMCID3415848)。
  3. Wu W, Huang J, Duan B, Traficante DC, Hong H, Risech M, Lory S,Priebe GP。Th17-stimulating protein vaccines confer protection against Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012;186(5):420-7. Epub 2012 Jun 21
  4. Kamei A, Wu W, Traficante DC, Koh AY, Van RooijenN, Pier GB,Priebe GP巨噬细胞和疫苗诱导的CD4 T细胞之间的合并赋予了中性粒细胞减少期间肺炎致死性假单胞菌的保护。J Infect Dis 2012,Epub 2012 11月21日。
  5. Hong H,Morrow DF,Sandora TJ,Priebe GP。Disinfection of needleless connectors with chlorhexidine-alcohol provides long-lasting residual disinfectant activity. Am J Infect Control 2012, in press.

Researcher |Publications
