

Dr. Eugene D’Angelo’s professional work is guided by the conviction that evidence-based practice --- that is, assessments and treatments that have been evaluated through research -- is the most effective and efficient way to address the challenges of real world mental health service delivery to children and their families. As such, his work focuses on the enhancement of clinical outcomes through implementation of innovative mental health prevention and treatment efforts in complex clinical settings. The “real world” of clinical practice is an environment of complex co-occurring and severe psychopathology; diverse ethnic, racial, and cultural communities; contextual issues such as a patient’s motivation for change, family resources, and resiliencies/vulnerabilities. Additionally, there are a multiplicity of service system difficulties which adversely impact an individual’s access to care. His research efforts focus on the “adaptations of evidence-based practices” in the following contexts: 1) adaptation of a family depression intervention for Latino families (D’Angelo, et al., 2009); 2) refinement of relaxation training which relies on use of relationally-based imagery with anxious Latino patients (LaRoche, et al); 3) adaptation of group treatment protocols to enhance clinical outcome (D’Angelo & Botta, 2007); and 4) evaluation of a multi-site NIMH adolescent group preventive intervention (Garber et al., 2009).
他的研究在发展精神病理学focuses on the developmental and behavioral manifestations of early symptoms of psychosis, with a particular focus on identifying these clinically high risk youth who are also evidencing suicidal ideation. He is working on trying to better establish the parameters of risk for psychosis by focusing on refining identification of relevant behavioral symptoms below the age of 10 years and the cognitive correlates between the earliest features of disorganized thinking, social cognition, and interpersonal communication skills.


Eugene D'Angelo博士是心理学系的心理学局长和门诊精神病学院主任。D'Angelo博士在波士顿儿童医院担任Linda和Timothy O’Neill心理学主席。欧宝彩票平台他是哈佛医学院精神病学系心理学副教授。D'Angelo博士获得了密歇根大学的博士学位,在波士顿儿童医院完成了实习培训,并在贝克法官儿童中心/波士顿儿童医院获得了博士后奖学金。欧宝彩票平台他获得了美国专业心理学委员会临床心理学的董事会认证。


