
Management and Leadership |Overview


An all day workshop led by Chris Newell, Alan Paret, Joanne Doherty and Ellen Rothstein designed to expand skills in creating and maintaining a positive work environment. Afternoon session includes a research (led by Jordan Kreidberg) and clinical specific component (leader TBD)
  • 研究人员I:团队建设,反馈和教练的领导
  • Leadership for the Researcher II: Interviewing and hiring the right team - (RAs and postdocs)
  • Performance Review – What am I expected to do for HR?
  • Legal Issues of Employment
  • 在工作场所挑战案件
  • 管理实验室:关键步骤
  • 管理您的临床研究项目团队并满足您的时间表

Careers in Science Mentoring Circles---New in Jan 2015


  1. 了解科学领域的非学术职业
  2. Set important career goals
  3. 获得实现目标的技能和信心

The mentoring circles are led by mentors all using their science and their PhDs in non academic fields. Our mentors represent fields such as intellectual property, regulatory, industry bench scientists, science writers, clinical research etc.


The goal of the Five-Part Leadership Training Program is to provide postdoctoral research fellows and clinical fellows skills to excel in leadership positions in academia or industry. The objectives of the series are to advance leadership skills, develop people skills, improve communication skills, and uncover coaching skills, for fellows who plan to start up a lab or work in a clinic. Alan Paret, MBA, Senior Leadership Development Specialist, Learning and Development, Boston Children's Hospital, has designed a leadership series whichincorporates instructors from various leadership perspectives, for a maximum of 16 fellows who can make a commitment to all five sessions.

Managing Your Brand

在当今的社交媒体意识世界中,您现在承担着新的责任 - 在线和现实生活中管理自己的声誉。Your personal brand is both all about who you are and what you want to be known for. Attend this session to gain some tips and insights on how to build and manage your brand in today’s media-savvy world.


波士顿儿童医院学习与发展高级领导力发展专家Alan Paret教授了3小时的一次性公开演讲(动手,参与)课程。该课程提供了技巧,还为参与者提供了通过一系列练习练习讲话的机会。这对于有即将进行的演讲的人来说是最佳的。只有10个插槽奖学金培训办公室(经常)建议经理(部门主席/部门酋长/PI)提名参与者。
