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Selected Publications |Overview

2021 Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Choi AB, Shah P, Rowe ML,NelsonCA, Tager-Flusberg H. A Longitudinal Study of Parent Gestures, Infant Responsiveness, and Vocabulary Development in Infants at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2021)J自闭症DEV疾病。doi: 10.1007/s10803-020-04855-z
  2. Colich, NL, Sheridan, MA, Humphreys, KL, Wade, M, Tibu, F,Nelson,CA,Zeanah,CH,Fox,NA,McLaughlin,KA(2021)。对护理环境的敏感性提高了青春期:对追回早期逆境的恢复的影响。The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.doi:10.1111/jcpp.13347。PMID:33215715
  3. Pecukonis, M., Perdue, K.L., Wong, J., Tager-Flusberg, H.,Nelson,C.A。(2021)。Exploring the relation between brain response to speech at 6-months and language outcomes at 24-months in infants at high and low risk for autism spectrum disorder: A preliminary functional near-infrared spectroscopy study.发展性认知神经科学。47, 100897. PMID: 33338817 PMCID: PMC7750322
  4. Saby JN, Benke TA, Peters, SU, Standridge, SM, Matsuzaki, J, Cutri-French, C, Swanson, LC, Lieberman, DN, Key, A, Percy, AK, Neul, JL,Nelson, CA, Roberts, TPL, Marsh, ED (2021). Multisite Study of Evoked Potentials in Rett Syndrome.Annals of Neurology.doi: 10.1002/ana.26029. PMID: 33480039
  5. Wilkinson C.,Nelson,C.A。(2021)。Increased aperiodic gamma power in young boys with Fragile X Syndrome is associated with better language ability.Molecular Autism。12(1), 17.doi: 10.1186/s13229-021-00425-x. PMID: 33632320 PMCID: PMC7908768.
  6. Guyon-Harris, K. L., Humphreys, K. L., Miron, D. M., Tibu, F., Fox, N. A.,Nelson,CA。和Zeanah,C.H。(2021)。早期的护理质量预测了早期社会心理剥夺后从童年到青春期胜任的功能的一致性。Development and Psychopathology.33(1),18-28。doi:10.1017/s0954579419001500。PMID:31896375;PMCID:PMC7332404。
  7. Mukerji, C.E., Wade, M., Fox, N.A., Zeanah, C.H.,Nelson在自律,c.a(2021)增长Course of Adolescence Mediates the Effects of Foster Care on Psychopathology in Previously Institutionalized Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Clinical Psychological Science.doi:10.1177/2167702621993887
  8. Bowman,L.C.,McCormick,S.A.,Kane-Grade,F.,Xie,W.Nelson,C.A。(2021) Infants’ neural responses to emotional faces are related to maternal anxiety.The Journal of Chilc Psychology and Psychiatry.doi:10.1111/jcpp.13429
  9. Jack,A.,Sullivan,C.A.W.,Aylward,E.,Bookheimer,S.Y.,Dapretto,M.,Gaab,N.,Geschwind,D.H.,McPartland,J.C。,NelsonC.A.,Webb,S.J.,Pelphrey,K.A.,Gupta,A.R。(2021)Jack A,Sullivan Caw,Aylward E,Bookheimer SY,Dapretto M,Gaab N,Van Horn JD,Eilbott J,Jacokes Z,Torgerson Z,Torgerson CM,Bernier RA,Geschwind DH,McPartland JC,Nelson CA,Nelson CA,Webb SJ,Pelphphrey,PelphreyyKa,Gupta AR;Gendaar财团。女性自闭症的神经遗传学分析。Brain.144(6):1911-1926. doi: 10.1093/brain/awab064. PMID: 33860292; PMCID: PMC8320285.
  10. Valdes, V., Berens, A.E.,Nelson,C.A。(2021)孟加拉国达卡6个月后6个月的产后抑郁症的社会经济和心理关系。International Journal of Psychology. 56 (5),
  11. Vincent, K., Xie, W.,Nelson,C。(2021)。使用不同的方法计算额叶不对称性,以研究其从婴儿期到3岁的发育。发展心理生物学。63(6),E22163 – N/a。
  12. Mukerji,C。E.,Wade,M.,Fox,N.A.,Zeanah,C.H.,Nelson,C。A.(2021)。Growth in Self-Regulation Over the Course of Adolescence Mediates the Effects of Foster Care on Psychopathology in Previously Institutionalized Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial.Clinical Psychological Science.9(5), 810–822.
  13. Choi,B.,Castelbaum,L.,McKechnie,R.,Rowe,M.L.,Nelson, C. A., Tager-Flusberg, H. (2021). Brief Report: Parents' Declarative Use of Deictic Gestures Predict Vocabulary Development in Infants at High and Low Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder.自闭症和发育障碍杂志。
  14. Tang, A., Almas, A., Zeytinoglu, S., Zeanah, C. H.,Nelson, C. A., & Fox, N. A. (2021). Long-Term Effects of Institutional Care and Enhanced Attachment Relationships on Close Adolescent Friendships.儿童发展。
  15. Alarcão,F。S. P.,Shephard,E.,Fatori,D.,Amável,R.,Chiesa,A.,Fracolli,L.Nelson,C.A.,Leckman,J.,Miguel,E.C.,Polanczyk,G.V。(2021)。促进母子关系和潜在的神经相关性:来自巴西青少年母亲的家庭访问计划的随机对照试验的结果。Developmental
  16. Richardson, H., Taylor, J., Kane-Grade, F., Powell, L., Bosquet Enlow, M.,Nelson,C。(2021)。三岁儿童中颞前额叶皮层和内侧前额叶皮层的面孔的优先反应。发展性认知神经科学。50, 100984–100984.
  17. Elensary, M., Pierce, L., Wei, W.,Nelson,C.,Zuckerman,B.,Charles McCoy,D。(2021)。孕产妇压力和早期神经发育:探索孕产妇生长心态的保护作用。Journal of Developmental and Behavioral
  18. Xie,W.,Leppänen,J.M.,Kane-Grade,F.E。,Nelson,C.A。(2021)。Converging neural and behavioral evidence for a rapid, generalized response to threat-related facial expressions in 3-year-old children.神经图像229,117732–117732。
  19. Pierce, L.J., Carmody Tague, E., &Nelson,C.A。(2021)。Maternal stress predicts neural responses during auditory statistical learning in 26-month-old children: An event-related potential study.认识。213, 104600–104600.
  20. Romeo, R.R., Choi, B., Gabard-Durnam, L.J., Wilkinson, C.L., Levin, A.R., Rowe, M.L., Tager-Flusberg, H.,Nelson,C。A.(2021)。Parental Language Input Predicts Neuroscillatory Patterns Associated with Language Development in Toddlers at Risk of Autism。自闭症和发育障碍杂志。

2021 Presented Conference Papers

  1. Wilkinson, C., Gabard-Durnma, L., Mukerji, C., Pierce, L., Finnie, Peter., Bear, M., Clements, C., andNelson,C.A。(2021)。使用生物标志物来表征神经发育障碍中神经生物学缺陷:TSC,RETT综合征,16p和脆弱X综合征的案例研究。Virtual powerpoint presentation at INSAR, May, Boston, MA.
  2. Choi,B.,Castelbaum,L.,McKechnie,R.,Rowe,M.L.,Nelson,C.A。和Tager-Flusberg,H。(2021)。父母的宣言性神性手势使用可以预测自闭症谱系障碍风险高和低风险的婴儿的词汇发展。Poster presentation at International Society for Autism Research, Boston, MA.
  3. Choi, B., Wilkinson, C., Sideridis, G., Tager-Flusberg, H., andNelson,C。A.(2021)。孕产妇症状轨迹和大脑以及自闭症风险高和低风险的婴儿的行为发展。Poster presentation at International Society for Autism Research, Boston, MA.
  4. NuñezHuaracha,D.,Choi,B.,Tager-Flusberg,H。和Nelson,C。A.(2021)。Gross motor development and its relation to language skills in infants at low and high familial or screen risk for ASD。Poster presentation at International Society for Autism Research, Boston, MA.


  1. Gunnar MR, &NelsonCA (1992).Developmental Behavioral Neuroscience。明尼苏达州研讨会上Child Psychology (Vol. 24). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  2. NelsonCA (1993).Memory and Affect in Development明尼苏达州研讨会上儿童心理学(第26卷)。新泽西州:劳伦斯·埃尔鲍姆(Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)。
  3. NelsonCA (1994)Threats to Optimal Development: Integrating Biological, Psychological, and Social Risk Factors明尼苏达州儿童心理学研讨会(第27卷)。新泽西州:劳伦斯·埃尔鲍姆(Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)。
  4. NelsonCA(1995)。关于学习,认知和发展的基本和应用观点。明尼苏达州儿童心理学研讨会(第28卷)。新泽西州:劳伦斯·埃尔鲍姆(Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)。
  5. NelsonCA(2000)。The Effects of Early Adversity on Neurobehavioral Development.明尼苏达州儿童心理学研讨会(第31卷)。新泽西州:劳伦斯·埃尔鲍姆(Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)。
  6. NelsonCA & Luciana M+ (2001).发展认知神经科学的手册。马萨诸塞州剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社。(Winner of the 2001 Professional/Scholarly Publishing Annual Award competition.)
  7. 布鲁姆铁,NelsonCA, & Lazerson A (2001).大脑,思想和行为(3rd ed). New York: Worth Publishing.
  8. Reiser J,Lockman J,&NelsonCA (2005).作为学习与发展的组织者的行动:明尼苏达州儿童心理学研讨会(Vol. 33). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  9. NelsonCA, de Haan M+, & Thomas KM+ (2006).神经科学和认知发展:经验和发展大脑的作用。New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  10. NelsonCA和Luciana M+(2008)。Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience,第二版。马萨诸塞州剑桥:麻省理工学院出版社。
  11. NelsonCA, Fox NA, & Zeanah, CH (2014).罗马尼亚的废弃孩子:剥夺,大脑发展和争取康复的斗争哈瓦德大学出版社:马萨诸塞州剑桥