Current Environment:


Harvard Catalyst Regulatory Foundations, Ethics, and Law Programhas created an animated video from our comic book “Sophie’s Science Project.” The video can be foundhere

漫画书,索菲的科学项目:什么是医学研究?是由波士顿儿童医院,辛辛那提儿童医欧宝彩票平台院医疗中心和费城儿童医院开发的,目的是教育儿童有关医学研究的知识。我们的第二本漫画书,生物库:问题和答案, developed by Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Catalyst, was recently released to explain in simple terms how biobanks work, how and why samples and information are collected, and how these are used and shared. Both comics can be downloaded below and paper copies of each may be obtained by contacting theIRB办公室







Comic book survey

欧宝彩票平台波士顿儿童医院从我们的p值输入atients and the general community on their attitudes towards clinical research and how best to communicate about general research topics. We have developed two comic books to help educate families and the public about research and provide information that may be helpful in deciding whether to participate in a research study. We welcome your feedback about the comic books and any ideas for additional educational materials.

Please consider taking thisfive-minute survey阅读漫画书后。

National Institutes of Health website for parents on medical research studies for children

这purpose of the website is to provide information for families that includes the following topics:

  • 为什么研究很重要,它有何不同,安全和保护,是否有好处,您有权拒绝

  • 研究团队中的信息,您可能需要询问的内容以及孩子们在参与中扮演的角色

  • Information on how studies affect the family and what kids think, what happens if you leave a study or what happens when it ends

  • Know what rights you have, where to find information, and terms that you may hear in a study

Children's Hospital Clinical Research Bill of Rights

Children's Hospital is committed to respecting and protecting the rights of its patients and families. We strive to provide care that is sensitive to cultural, racial, religious and other differences. This bill of rights provides information about our commitment to you, and your responsibilities as a member of your child's health care team.



