

Initiate early study activities


CHeRP(Children's Hospital Electronic Research Portal) is an electronic gateway, provided by the Research Administration Office, for the submission, review, approval and tracking of research protocols at Boston Children’s Hospital. CHeRP allows researchers to complete all required IRB protocol forms online and move protocols through all required reviews electronically, including scientific review, department/division sign-off, IRB pre-review, IRB review and any necessary ancillary reviews (Drug and Device, Nursing, Radiation Safety, etc.).

Additional and optional Clinical Research Operations Center scientific review

ICCTR提供了针对研究人员发起的临床研究的可选的免费和机密科学评论。审查的目的是通过预测和解决IRB审查期间要提出的问题来增强研究的科学严谨性,并加快IRB审查。接触Leah Chengto learn more about this scientific review.


知情同意是参加研究的自愿协议。这不仅是签署的文件,而且是主题了解研究及其风险的过程。在执行任何研究程序之前,获得知情同意是必不可少的。同意被定义为儿童的肯定协议,以参与研究。阅读有关波士顿儿童IRB的指南consent and assent.




与研究法规支持,教育和质量办公室的监管专家的讨论可以帮助辨别研究是否需要研究新药(IND)或调查装置豁免(IDE)。要安排监管咨询,请联系Ashley Kuniholm, research regulatory affairs coordinator.

Organize data safety monitoring board/data safety monitoring plan

Studies involving human subjects may require the sponsor-investigator to develop a data safety monitoring plan (DSMP) to oversee human subjects’ safety. Some studies require the sponsor to develop a data safety monitoring board (DSMB), an independent group of experts who oversee the trial.Download a DSMB charter template.

Organize a study team

When organizing a study team, investigators need to consider the array of study activities that need to be completed. Careful consideration must be given to activities that require licensure. Refer to theDelegation of Authority gridVPN symbolfor a list of both common study activities and categories of staff that are eligible to conduct the activities, based on compliance with FDA guidance, Massachusetts state law and Boston Children's policies.


项目管理与学习协调are offered through the ICCTR. Project management is a customized approach to study management, guidance and education. Study assistance is based on the complexity of the study and investigator experience. Hours of highly-trained clinical research professionals can be purchased rather than an investigator independently hiring and training study staff. For further information, please contactCindy Williams, DNP, RN, PNP, NE-BCICCTR临床研究操作中心联合导演;护理总监ETU。

Confidentiality plan


Privacy plan


Submit study protocol

IRB/CHeRP application

首席调查人员通过CHeRP, an electronic gateway provided for the submission, review, approval and tracking of research protocols at Boston Children’s.


After an investigator’s IRB application has been submitted in CHeRP, it is automatically routed to the investigator’s home department or division for scientific review. Please note, for studies using the Clinical Research Operations Center and/or the ETU, investigators will need to submit an application through Harvard Catalyst, which serves as Scientific Review. Select “Request CRC Services (Protocol Review)。”


Trial registration and results reporting promote the public good by ensuring the existence, design and results of clinical trials are publicly available. Please review theBoston Children's ClinicalTrials.gov policyVPN symbolto understand registration and reporting requirements.


Regulatory tools and templates

Accessregulatory tools and templates.VPN symbol


Establishing a Boston Children’s compliant shared document platform such as a SharePoint site can help the investigator and the study team maintain organized study documents that are accessible to all team members.临床研究信息学技术(CRIT)can create a blank SharePoint site for the study team to build and store documents.

Create Manual of Operations (MOO)

研究的操作手册(MOO)是一个文档啊r a compilation of documents that describe in complete detail the science, methods, and procedures for implementation of a clinical research study. The MOO is an essential tool that promotes accuracy and consistency in study implementation across different study sites and across all research staff over time. It serves as the primary reference guide used for staff training prior to study start-up, throughout study implementation and for staff training whenever turnover occurs.


侵入性管理系统(EREG)is an electronic regulatory binder maintenance system used to collect and manage protocol, staff, and institution documentation. eReg supports 21 CFR Part 11 compliant document management and approval of documents using electronic signatures. eReg allows users to store essential protocol documents, staff credentials, and organizational regulatory tracking documents and share documents between protocols. Documents that require signatures can be routed for electronic signature, and users receive notifications when their electronic signature is required.




A Data Management Plan (DMP)is a written document that describes the data to be acquired or generated during the course of a research study, how the data will be managed, described, analyzed, and stored. The mechanisms that will be used at the end of the study to share and preserve the data are also described in the DMP.

Plan for subject clinical management

Participants enrolled on clinical trials must receive the same high-quality care found elsewhere at Boston Children’s. There also are specific Boston Children’s policies in place to protect study subjects, such as the IRB’sResearch Blood Drawing Guideline. Communication and coordination with subjects’ clinical care team improves study compliance and supports patient safety.

Review theIRB research blood drawing guidelineVPN symbol

The Boston Children’s IRB has provided this guideline for investigators to consider when designing a protocol that involves drawing blood from human subjects for research purposes.


Clearly written study orders are essential to ensure accurate study implementation. There are locations in Boston Children’s that use paper orders, others that strictly use PowerChart and still other areas that work from a combination of paper and electronic orders. When you develop order sets, it is highly recommended that you work with a nurse from the clinical area where the study will be conducted.

Establish procedure for screening and enrolling patients

