Current Environment:

Career Development Grants |Overview


Applications Due: May 3, 2021
Funds Available: July 1, 2021

Download application instructions.
Contact the TRP attrp@childrens.harvard.eduwith any questions.

Purpose of grant

Thementored TIS (mTIS) awardis intended provide personalized support and education to promising young trainees who are interested in translational research, effectively building the pipeline of outstanding translational investigators at BCH. Each mTIS awardee will be officially paired with an appropriate mentor from the pool of current Senior TIS members as well as with a mentor from outside of BCH who is from the local biotech/pharma/venture capital community.

  • MDs or MD/PhDs who are done with clinical training (after PGY 4-6) are eligible.
  • 这远rd is intended for investigators at early stages of their research careers.
  • Minimum of 50% of time must be devoted to translational research.
  • Individuals must be nominated by their departments. Multiple individuals can be nominated by each department.
  • Awards will be for $300K directs/3yrs (The TRP will cover any associated overhead charges).

The Translational Investigator Service (TIS) was established in order to identify and support the outstanding faculty-scientists who will become the national and international leaders in the translational research paradigm.

The TIS is aimed at strengthening the hospital's multidisciplinary cadre of faculty scientists with strong scientific and clinical backgrounds and a history of creativity and productivity in their fields. These attributes, along with their effective leadership skills, give them great potential as future leaders in translational research.

Major highlights of this program include providing individuals with the necessary financial, time, and educational resources to be able to conduct meaningful translational research. Success of this program will:

  • facilitate the rapid translation of discovery sciences into human trials.
  • facilitate the utilization of human patient resources for the purpose of advancing scientific discovery.
  • position Boston Children's Hospital for successful competition for NIH, disease-specific foundation, pharmaceutical and philanthropy financial support.
  • become national and international leaders in the translational research paradigm.

Please note that special emphasis will be placed on adherence to the spirit of the "handshake rule" where the investigator personally meets with, or is otherwise directly involved with the care of each patient involved in the study. Clinical specialties that do not involve direct patient medical or surgical care (eg radiology or pathology) would still be considered to have "a handshake" if the proposal included research related to patients in which the investigator is involved in direct evaluations of patients in the study. Proposed projects which use identified patient materials and/or data would be supported. Also, proposals where there is a focus on executing human trials using Boston-Children's-driven science and laboratory discoveries from this institution will be given priority.

The TIS is intended to be a multidisciplinary cadre of outstanding faculty scientists with strong scientific and clinical backgrounds and significant productivity histories. These attributes, combined with strong leadership skills, will help to increase their potential as future leaders in translational research.

