
新冠肺炎 |Overview


除这些资源外,您还可以找到有关研究管理的更多信息COVID-19 website.


访问announcements and newsfor COVID-19 updates specific to the Boston Children’s research community.

Other resources

Areas 概括

Monitoring Visits (onsite and remote) by Study Sponsors

Monitors can visit Boston Children’s facilities as long as they complete the hospital attestation and wear a hospital-issued mask in clinical, research, and administrative buildings. If a monitor is conducting a remote visit, the following steps must be taken:

  1. 学习团队发送研究Monitor Access Request Formtohimroiauditors@childrens.harvard.edu.
  2. After the request is approved by Research Administration, submit anAssociate Personnel request仁科。
  3. After the monitor receives a BCH ID #, study team submits an在线访问请求(OAR)表格form for access to PowerChart.
  4. 研究团队将参与者姓名和病历号码列表发送到himroiauditors@childrens.harvard.edu.

请联系劳伦·罗伯逊(Lauren Robertson)with any questions.

工作场所管理 Gallup.comconducts free webinars to help managers learn how to manage their teams with this new environment of virtual meetings and adapting to disruption.
ICCTR Online Education Resources ICCTR provides clinical research education to the Boston Children’s research community through workshops, seminars, classroom education and online training. These programs are available to investigators, study coordinators, research nurses, and trainees.
Biostatistics & Research Design Education 生物统计学和研究设计中心可直接访问在线课程和教程,以及与我们的一些生物统计学和研究方法学课程相关的教育材料。
EDX EDXis the trusted platform for education and learning. Founded by Harvard and MIT, edX is home to more than 20 million learners, the majority of top-ranked universities in the world and industry-leading companies. Access 2500+ Online Courses from 140 Institutions. Start Today!
PercipioVPN symbol Percipio是一个电子学习平台,可为波士顿儿童社区获得领导力发展,业务技能,生产力和协作内容的访问。
Harvard Catalyst: Online Education Resources Harvard Catalyst has more than 1,000 courses accessible online with a Harvard Key ID or an eCommons username. You can view the course listing athttps://lr.catalyst.harvard.edu/. To request your Harvard Key ID, visithttps://key.harvard.edu.
Family Resources
  • 在学校关闭时,孩子们在家里被合作,寻找结构和有趣的活动以使他们占领很重要。查看列表家庭活动.
  • Learn more about the coronavirus from波士顿儿童.
在这个充满挑战的时期内保持健康 Grokker’s robust digital communityis a great place to connect with wellbeing experts and other users who will help you and your family stay healthy at home or wherever you may be.
Clinical research considerations Verrill Dana LLP已经制定了有关该病毒在正在进行的研究,新的SARS-COV-2/COVID-19与19与COVID-19患者研究产品的访问治疗用途扩大的问题有关的问题上可能存在的问题的清单。