Current Environment:

Wanda Phipatanakul Laboratory |Overview

Dr. Phipatanakul leads her own school and home-based community inner-city asthma studies and is Boston Pediatric PI of NIH funded asthma/allergy clinical research networks tackling practice management knowledge gaps and prevention.

She also utilizes the knowledge from these clinical research studies to provide evidence-based care for her patients, whom she sees primarily at Boston Children’s Hospital.

In addition to being the PI for the School Inner-City Asthma Intervention Study (SICAS2), she is the Boston Pediatric PI for AsthmaNet, the multi-center NHLBI consortium for adult and pediatric asthma clinical trials, the Severe Asthma Research Program, the NHLBI network to further our longitudinal understanding of severe asthma in kids and adults, and the Boston PI for an NIAID two site U01 clinical trial evaluating mouse allergen mitigation in inner-city children with mouse allergy, mouse infestation in homes and asthma, and Boston site PI of an NHLBI funded primary prevention asthma study evaluating killed bacteria in 1100 high risk babies.

Her research interests also include early interventions in young children, particularly prevention and immunologic/biologics and other interventions targeted towards the allergic, asthma pathway and was recently awarded as PI of a 7 year multi-center NIH prevention grant. She was also recently awarded as Boston site PI on validation instruments in asthma, food allergy, atopic dermatitis, and chronic diseases. Finally her passion is mentoring and she hold and NIH K-24 mentoring award and has helped support several successfully funded K career development awards for junior faculty.

Dr. Phipatanakul’s long-standing relationship with community, comprehensively evaluating the role of school-specific exposures and asthma, allergies, and food allergies allows her to work towards incorporating public policy and school-based asthma/allergy management initiatives.
