Current Environment:

Lisa Mahoney |Overview

Anita Pai

College:Duke University

Medical School:Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Residency:Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Mentor:Maureen Jonas, MD


The Victor E. Stork Award for continued excellence and future promise in the care of children (Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, June 2015);The Robert Adler Pediatric Service Award for outstanding medical service in an ambulatory care setting (Children's Hospital Los Angeles, June 2015);Mary and Morris Press Humanism Award Nominee (Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, March 2015);Frances Nunnally Winzer Resident Award for scholarly, effective, and sensitive performance of professional responsibilities (Children's Hospital Los Angeles, June 2014);General Pediatric Service Award (Children's Hospital Los Angeles 2013, 2014) ;North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Teaching and Tomorrow Program, 2013;Amos Christie Pediatrics Scholar (Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, 2009);Benenson Award in the Arts (Duke University, 2007);Howard Hughes Research Fellowship (Duke University, 2005);Baldwin Scholar (Duke University 2004-2008)


1. Bishop KL,Pai AK, Schmitt D. Do Walking Mechanics in Cats Favor Stealth Over Economy?. Society of Integrative

and Comparative Biology. 2008 Jan; 47(1): e9. Pub Status: Published.

2. Bishop KL,Pai AK, Schmitt D. Whole Body Mechanics of Stealthy Walking in Cats. PLoS ONE. 2008 Nov; 3(11):

e308. Cited in PubMed; PMID: 19043580. Pub Status: Published.

3. Bishop, KL,Pai AK施密特,d .摆动的行走在国民力学ic cats. Journal of Morphology. 2007 Jul;

268(7): 1050. Pub Status: Published.

4. Schmitt D,Pai AK, O'Neill M, Bishop KL. Center of mass movements during walking in a prosimian primate. Journal

of Morphology. 2007 Jul; 268(7): 1131-1132. Pub Status: Published.

5. Schmitt D,Pai AK, Bishop KL. Center of mass movements in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2007 Dec; Suppl

44(12): 209. Pub Status: Published.

6. Schmitt D,Pai AK,O'Neill M, Bishop KL. Center of mass movements in arboreal and terrestrial prosimians. Am J

Phys Anthropol. 2008 Jan; 46(1): 187. Pub Status: Published.

7.Pai, AK,托马斯,DW。Management of the Elusive H-type Tracheoesophageal Fistula: NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery) for the Future?NASPGHAN Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, October 2013

8.Pai, AK, Zhou, S, Krieger M, Alexopoulos S, Genyk Y, Kerkar N. Silent Progression of Liver Disease and Development of Cirrhosis in Children Several Years After Cranial Tumor Resection. AASLD The Liver Meeting, Boston, MA, November 8, 2014

9.Pai AK, Venkatramani R. Thompson M. Unremitting rash, neck masses complicate toddler’s diagnosis. Contemporary Pediatrics 2014.

Pub Status: Published.

10. Vayngortin T,Pai AK,and Thomas DW. Not just the stomach flu: a case of acute liver failure after Adenovirus infection. Ann Pediatr Child Health 2014. 2(2): 1014. Pub Status: Published.

11.Pai AK,Gay AC, Russell CJ. Care Variations In Pediatric Patients Hospitalized With Acute Pancreatitis. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, April 26, 2015.
