Current Environment:

Clinical Research Training |Overview

The Clinical Research Program (CRP) at Boston Children's Hospital is an interdepartmental, academic research and service program that provides assistance and education on all aspects of research methodology and study implementation practices to clinical investigators across all Divisions and Departments.

Clinical research is scientific investigation that is conducted with human subjects or on material of human origin such as tissues, specimens, cognitive phenomena or other data for which an investigator directly interacts with human subjects or for which material can be directly linked to an identifiable, living individual. Clinical research includes patient-oriented, community, and population-based research studies.

The CRP offers shared interdisciplinary resources to all clinical researchers at Boston Children's Hospital.

Support is provided to investigators at all stages of protocol development and study conduct. The CRP collaborates closely with the Committee on Clinical Investigation to ensure that research is designed in such a way as to maximize benefits and minimize risks to human subjects who enroll in the clinical trials.

Courses Available
Introduction to Clinical Research
Orientation for New Study Coordinators
Introduction to Biostatistics with SPSS
Power and How to Get It
Do-it-Yourself Data Management
Beyond Chi-squares: Drawing Inferences from Tables
Statistics for Small Sample Size Studies
Introduction to Statistical Genetics