和平面nt Environment:

Gastroenterology and Nutrition Research |Overview

Research is driven by our ongoing and relentless quest to improve patient care.

Ourbasic research programsfocus on the study of epithelial cell function and mucosal immunology in infection, inflammation, host defense, and development of the gastrointestinal tract.

We address three related fields:

  1. epithelial cell and developmental biology
  2. innate and acquired mucosal immunology
  3. microbial pathogenesis and host-microbe symbiosis
  4. Our research focus reflects the emerging concepts that the cellular and molecular biology of the polarized epithelium, and its dynamic relationship with the mucosal environment and the immune system, defines much of the physiology and pathophysiology of the intestine.

    Ourclinical and translational research programsfocus on intestinal and nutritional epidemiology, outcomes research and quality assurance, inflammatory bowel disease, the congenital diarrheas, celiac disease, hepatic disease, and motility and “functional” disorders of the GI tract.

    和平面nt clinical trials can be viewed here.

    The division’s research program fits well with the research focus of the NIH P30-funded Harvard Digestive Diseases Center and with our closely collaborating GI Division in adult medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital.

    Related Labs Centers of Excellence

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease
    Treatment and Research Center
    Hansen Laboratory
    Motility and Functional
    Gastrointestinal Disorders Center
    The Kagan Laboratory
    Nutrition Center
    Lencer Laboratory
    Center for Childhood Liver
    Snapper Laboratory
    Celiac Disease Program
    Zanoni Laboratory
    Chinnapen Laboratory