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Our Research Teams |概述

Research teams in the Division of Developmental Medicine are investigating a wide array of questions about everything from infant memory development, to autism, to adolescent substance abuse. Read on for more information about individual programs.

The Laboratories of Cognitive Neuroscience

在Charles A. Nelson博士的指导下,认知神经科学的实验室致力于进一步发展我们对典型的婴儿和儿童的大脑和认知发展的理解,以及诊断出患有各种发育障碍的儿童,包括自闭症,包括自闭症。,多动症和阅读障碍。他们的多学科研究人员团队汇集了来自各种领域的专家,包括神经科学,心理学和教育。与发育小儿和儿童神经病学等领域的临床专家合作,他们正在努力扩大我们对儿童发育和发育障碍的了解。他们的重点领域包括记忆和面部处理的发展,压力对认知发展的环境因素的影响以及自闭症,ADHD和阅读障碍的不断增长的研究计划。请click here to visit the LCN's web page并了解他们的工作

Adolescent Substance Use & Addiction Program

除了为患有药物滥用问题和疾病的青少年提供专家评估和护理外,ASAP还是一项蓬勃发展的研究计划的家园,旨在寻找预防或减少药物滥用和相关问题的方法。我们的目标是为关心他们的青少年,家庭和提供者提供改进的支持。合格的ASAP患者可以参加各种正在进行的研究。有关更多信息,请visit the ASAP website.


The Down Syndrome Program’s research team works hand in hand with their clinical care team in their mission to help all individuals with Down syndrome reach their fullest potential. Their studies aim to shed light on brain and behavior development in individuals with Down syndrome by taking a multidisciplinary approach that considers everything from genetics, to neural pathways, to biomarkers. In particular, they focus on cognition, learning and memory, as well as neurodevelopmental and behavioral impairments that commonly co-occur in individuals with Down syndrome. They are committed to developing valid and reliable diagnostic tools, as well as research aimed at exploring new educational, behavioral, and medical interventions which may improve overall functioning. Through their multi-center and multidisciplinary efforts, they also aim to understand the developmental trajectory and impact of medical issues in individuals with Down syndrome, and to explore potential interventions that may improve mental and physical health.



The Fragile X Research Program

作为脆弱的X诊所和研究联盟(FXCRC)的一部分,我们的脆弱X计划致力于协调全国各地和世界各地的研究,策划使他们可以从互补角度接近脆弱X的项目。这项研究正在进行波士顿儿童的大量研究。请click here for more details.

CeASAR: Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research

The Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research (CeASAR) at Boston Children's Hospital was created as a national research center committed to reducing substance abuse and related disorders in children and adolescents. For more information, pleasevisit the CeASAR website.


The Neurodevelopmental Disorders Phenotyping Program (NDPP) is a group of researchers from the Divisions of Developmental Medicine, Genetics, and the Program in Genomics at Boston Children's Hospital. The NDPP‘s main research focus is understanding the genetic and environmental causes of developmental disorders and how the features of these disorders are expressed in individuals. We are working together to gain a better understanding of autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disorders. We hope that our research will eventually lead to a better understanding of why developmental disorders occur, and will help doctors to diagnose patients at an earlier age. We also hope that our work will lead to better treatments and outcomes for children with developmental disorders and their families. The NDPP partners with other research groups from the Boston area, and across North America. These groups include the Boston-based Autism Consortium, Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI), and the National Institute of Mental Health. These collaborations have already started to produce some exciting results, and we are eager to see what the coming months and years will bring.
