Current Environment:

ADHD |Overview

Initial Validation of the Vanderbilt ADHD Measure for Adolescent Patients in the ICISS Project (TriVox Health)

  • PI: Joshua Borus, MD, MPH
  • Participants: Children ages 13-21 years with a diagnosis of ADHD
  • This study aims to assess construct validity by evaluating the degree to which the Vanderbilt measures show convergence with a similar set of ADHD screening tools.
  • For more information, please contactGriselda Potska.

Integrated Clinical Information Sharing System ICISS (TriVox Health): Implementation and evaluation of a web-based patient management and monitoring system for chronic conditions

  • PI: Eugenia Chan
  • Participants: All ages, with a diagnosis of ADHD, autism
  • Evaluation of TriVox Health (formally known as ICISS) including cost effectiveness.
  • For more information, please

Validating parent entered medication data via ICISS/eDMC (TriVox Health) and assessing the impact of ICISS/eDMC (TriVox Health) on the availability of parent and teacher rating scales at time of visit

  • PI: Eugenia Chan, Eric Fleegler
  • Participants: 3-18 years old with a diagnosis of ADHD
  • Evaluation of TriVox Health (formally known as ICISS).
  • For more information, please