Current Environment:

Surgery Research |Overview

The Surgical Research Laboratories at Boston Children’s Hospital incorporate the work of several principal investigators with a diversity of research interests, reflecting the broad spectrum of General Pediatric Surgery. Our laboratories integrate work on regenerative medicine (tissue engineering and other cell-based strategies), fetal therapy and biology, wound healing, lung and liver regeneration, transplantation, surgical and parenteral nutrition, short bowel syndrome, oncology, angiogenesis, vascular anomalies and instrument development, often in interdependent undertakings. These endeavors are pursued within the realm of a training program centered on General Surgery residents, particularly those interested in a career in Pediatric Surgery. In parallel to their research training, our postdoctoral research fellows also participate in select clinical and didactic activities of the Department of Surgery, as well as have access to multiple resources from the neighboring Harvard campus.

Featured researchers in theDepartment of Surgeryhold faculty appointments at Harvard Medical School.

Our researchers and their areas of focus

Alex Cuenca, MD, PhD

The role of innate immunity in allograft tolerance

Alex's research info

Farokh Demehri, MD

Device development and innovation

Farokh's research info

Belinda Dickie, MD

Belinda's research info