Current Environment:


姓名 Make/Model Functionality 地点
SPECT/PET/CT扫描仪 布鲁克/阿尔比拉 布鲁克·阿尔比拉(Bruker Albira)是一种多模式的小动物成像装置,将SPECT,PET和CT结合到一种仪器中。对于SPECT,有2个带有CSI探测器的伽马摄像机与单个针孔或多针孔直接探测器相结合,可提供亚毫米空间分辨率。PET成分利用溶血晶体和深度相互作用技术提供1.1 mM的空间分辨率,敏感性为9%。它具有8厘米的横向视场和14.8 cm的轴向视场。在CT侧,它利用具有35μm焦点的X射线源,可以在10-50 kVp的情况下与12x12 cm(2400x2400像素)检测器一起工作。根据配置,它可以提供40-120μm之间的空间分辨率。
超声 VisualSonics Vevo 2100 Ultrasound 实验室配有VisualSonics Vevo 2100 small animal ultrasound system. This is a high-resolution instrument (30 microns) that can also image at high speed (up to 1000 frames per second). It is capable of imaging in 3D mode as well as M mode, and can also provide pulsed wave Doppler imaging. The device is equipped with three transducers (24, 38 and 55 MHz). The table is heated and includes sensor pads for monitoring the animal during examination. The system is routinely used for cardiac imaging in small animals, and can also be used for tumor vascular imaging with microbubbles.
MRI Bruker Biospec 70/30 7T MRI系统
Sail MRI实验室配备了Bruker Biospec 70/30 MRI成像系统。这是一个7 t多核MRI系统,其钻孔为30厘米,为兔子,大鼠和小鼠成像设计。该系统的最大梯度强度为450 mt/m,可为活动物或组织样品提供高空间分辨率图像。该系统配备了4个RF通道接收器可容纳阵列线圈。该系统包括用于心脏MRI,功能性MRI,动态对比度增强的MRI,扩散加权/张量MRI,超短te TE和零TE MRI的多种选择,用于临床前和分子MR成像。该Bruker 7T配备了动物监测系统,用于在动物扫描过程中显示和分析生理信号,并通过使用ECG或呼吸触发信号来显示动物扫描和MR采集的同步。