
姓名 Make/Model 功能 地点
Fluidigm Biomark high performance PCR system Fluidigm/Biomark Microfluidics technology to process samples at nanoliter-scale volumes for gene expression, genotyping, sample identification, copy number variation analysis and digital PCR. Ideal for labs performing PCR on hundreds to thousands of samples. Provides a wide range of integrated fluidic circuit (IFC) formats available, scaling from mid- to high throughput on a single system is easily achievable. Available controller are HX, MX, and RX. CLS16-16030.21
BIORAD Droplet Digital PCR System Biorad/QX200与自动DG QX200液滴数字PCR(DDPCR)系统提供了靶DNA或RNA分子的绝对量化,用于基于逃脱或基于探针的数字PCR应用。
Perkin Elmer Multilabel计数器 Perkin Elmer/Victor 3 使用Picogreen或Ribogreen定量检测荧光检测。 CLS16-16030.22
Agilent/Bioanlyzer 2100 2100生物分析仪系统是一种已建立的自动电泳工具,用于生物分子的样品质量控制。2100生物分析仪仪器以及2100专家软件和生物分析仪测定法提供了许多工作流中各种样品类型的高度精确的分析评估,包括下一代测序(NGS),基因表达,生物药物和基因编辑研究。数字数据是及时提供的,并从DNA,RNA和蛋白质中对大小,定量,完整性和纯度进行客观评估。准确结果需要最少的样品体积,并且数据可能以许多不同的格式导出,以易于使用。 CLS16-16030.23
自动化核酸Extrac试剂盒tion QIAGEN/QIAcube 用于使用Qiagen自旋柱试剂盒提取全自动核酸。
Automates over 80 QIAGEN kits with over 3000 protocols. Allows automated DNA, RNA and protein sample processing. Eliminates manual processing steps. Generates standardized results.
Agilent Microarray Scanner
Agilent/SureScan Agilent Surescan扫描仪为许多研究应用提供了精确有效的微阵列扫描仪系统。扫描仪系统设计用于使用微阵列的研究,提供了激光诱导的荧光扫描溶液,旨在读取在标准1英寸乘3英寸的载玻片上印刷的微阵列。微阵列仪器从与微阵列结合的标记样品核酸同时测量两种染料的荧光强度。该系统还通过从24个滑动磁带的连续加载以及将数据文件自动加载到功能提取软件中提高生产率。它还具有内置的臭氧保护,以最大程度地减少信号降解。 CLS16-16030.23
Genechip微阵列扫描仪 Thermo Fisher/3000 7G 扫描下一代高密度阵列,包括带有多达900,000个SNP的SNP阵列,用于转录的瓷砖阵列和用于全基因组分析的全外观阵列。 CLS16-16030.24
Nanostring nCounter® SPRINT Profiler Nanostring/Sprint Profiler The nCounter® SPRINT Profiler makes access to NanoString’s molecular barcoding technology more affordable than ever before for RNA, DNA, and protein profiling applications. Digitally examine multiple pathways in a single tube in an extraction-free workflow. Perform your own data analysis using the nSolver™ Analysis Software. Compatible with difficult sample types, including FFPE tissue. Highly multiplexed analysis of basic cancer biology and pathway deregulation activity. CLS16-16049
Bionano Saphyr
The Saphyr System by Bionano Genomics is a whole genome imaging tool for high-speed, high-throughput structural variant detection and analysis with exceptional sensitivity and specificity. Wide range of applications includes: undiagnosed genetic disorders, hematologic malignancies, gene discovery and therapy, cell line stability, solid tumor research, genetic engineering studies, evolutionary biology, and reference genome assembly. Resolve large-scale structural variations missed by next-generation sequencing systems. Detect structural variants with high specificity and sensitivity.
ABI 3730 DNA Analyzers
Thermo Fisher/seqstudio The 48-capillary 3730 DNA Analyzer is the Gold Standard in medium-to-high throughput genetic analysis. Use the 3730 DNA Analyzer for DNA fragment analysis applications such as microsatellites, AFLP, SNP analysis, mutation detection and traditional DNA sequencing. Get the highest quality data at a low cost per sample. Two are available.
CFX 96 and CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System
BIORAD/CFX96 The CFX96 Touch System is a powerful, precise, and flexible real-time PCR detection system. This six-channel (five colors and one FRET channel) real-time PCR instrument combines advanced optical technology with precise temperature control to deliver sensitive, reliable detection for singlexplex or multiplex reactions. Quickly set up runs and monitor amplification traces in real time on the integrated LCD touch screen, or use the included CFX Maestro Software to easily and intuitively design your experiment and analyze results from a connected computer. With up to five-target detection, unsurpassed thermal cycler performance, unrivaled stand-alone functionality, and powerful yet easy-to-use software, the CFX96 Touch System is designed to advance your qPCR. CLS16-16054
CFX384触摸实时PCR检测系统 BIORAD/CFX384 The CFX384 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System is a powerful and precise real-time PCR instrument in a 384-well format, for researchers who require both ease of use and rapid, high-throughput data acquisition. The CFX384 Touch System utilizes accurate temperature control and sensitive, 4-color detection optics to deliver reliable and repeatable qPCR results for singleplex or multiplex reactions. Quickly set up runs and monitor amplification traces in real time on the integrated LCD touch screen, or use CFX Maestro Software to easily and intuitively design your experiment and analyze results from a connected computer. With up to four-target detection, unsurpassed thermal cycler performance, unrivaled stand-alone functionality, and powerful software, the CFX384 Touch System was designed to advance your qPCR. CLS16-16054
NextSeq 500
Illumina/NextSeq 500 使用高质量的TRUSEQ库制备套件,提供具有简化的库制备的高质量高覆盖基因组。单,配对和索引测序,精度超过Q30的测序碱基的精度> 75%。使研究人员能够快速有效地询问简单的原核生物和复杂的真核基因组。
SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer System 应用生物系统/seqstudio Capillary electrophoresis system capable of Sanger Sequencing analysis (for NGS confirmation, indel detection, SNP detection, genome editing verification, microbial identification, etc…) and fragment analysis (ie microsatellite analysis). CLS16-16030.21
Nanodrop 8000分光光度计
热泡/纳米旋风8000 微型紫外线和荧光分光光度计用于核酸和蛋白质定量和质量评估。还可以进行微阵列荧光标签QC分析以及Pierce 660,Bradford,BCA,Lowry分析。8000型号具有8个频道提高速度。
Agilent/4200 Tapestation
用于RNA和DNA样品质量评估的全自动电泳设备。能够评估提取的基因组DNA或RNA的完整性,以及任一核酸的大小和浓度。对于下一代测序质量控制特别有用,例如Library-Prep QC。 CLS16-16030.23
Chromium Controller
NCounter Sprint Profiler
Fully automated analysis platform for Nanostring’s nCounter technology, which allows for molecular quantification of a diverse range of DNA, RNA and protein targets through the use of fluorescent probes. Capable of multiplex analysis of up to 800 targets.