Current Environment:


姓名 Make/Model Functionality Location
LSM 880 蔡司
激光扫描共聚焦显微镜,具有6个激光系(405/458/488/514/561/633NM),快速飞机扫描,用于接近超级分辨率共聚焦成像,LED Epifluorecence和LED阳光液和卤素灯,卤素明亮场光源,温度受控的封装,机动XY舞台,电动XY XY,Piezo---- piezo----- piezo----- piezo----- piezo----- piezo----- piezo----- ipiezo-----受控的Z阶段,可用于共聚焦,Brightfield和DIC,固定和活细胞成像。
Enders 613
Axiovert Spinning Disk Confocal 蔡司 带有3个激光线(488、568、640)的旋转磁盘共聚焦显微镜,LED落荧光和卤素的Brightfield光源,温度受控的封闭式,电动XY阶段,压电控制的Z阶段,启用了用于共核,固定和活细胞的固定和实用细胞的固定和实用细胞的固定和活细胞成像。 Enders 613
BX41直立的组织学显微镜 Olympus 带有PIXELINK PL-D682CU颜色CMOS摄像机的直立显微镜,用于明亮的磁场和落叶成像。 Enders 603
Cytation 5 Biotek 带有DAPI的滤波器立方体的自动成像系统,Alexa 488,Alexa 568和Alexa 647以及发射光。它可以接受幻灯片,多绿色板和35毫米菜肴,具有孵化功能,包括二氧化碳和用于自动捕获,图像处理和分析的软件。
Enders 620
BZ-X700 Keyence Epifluorescent, brightfield, and phase imaging, image stitching for capturing images larger than one field, automated multiwell plate image sample, structured illumination, live cell imaging with video rate capture and environmental controls and built-in image analysis functions.
Enders 1347
FV300R Olympus Resonant scanning confocal microscope equipped with 4 laser lines (405, 488, 514, and 633 nm), hybrid galvo and fast resonant scanning capabilities, ultra-sensitive GaAsP detectors with full spectral imaging, motorized XYZ stage, air and silicone oil objectives, up to 100X, and advanced image analysis with the Olympus CellSens software Enders 1347
动力学成像细胞仪(KIC) Vala 高含量的活细胞成像仪,具有电气或光刺激和高速获取的分析软件包,旨在量化井中各个单元的参数
Enders 1250
BD LSRFortess BD生物科学 Ultimate in choice for flow cytometry, providing power, performance and consistency. This analyzer has 4 lasers — blue, red, violet, and yellow/green and can detect up to 16 colors simultaneously
Enders 613
FACSCanto II BD生物科学 分析细胞表面或细胞内蛋白或其他“标记”,细胞内细胞因子的产生以及受体介导的内吞作用,排序和回收利用。 Enders 613
FACSMELODY细胞分类器 BD生物科学 This cell-sorting technology allows researchers to simultaneously isolate two cell populations into separate tubes or deposit single or multiple target cells into 96- or 384-well plates. Enders 613
Seahorse Xfe 96 Analyzer 安捷伦 分析仪以96孔板格式测量活细胞的氧气消耗率(OCR)和细胞外酸化速率(ECAR)。这些速率是线粒体呼吸和糖酵解的关键指标。它们在培养的细胞和前体样品中提供了细胞代谢功能的系统级视图。 Enders 622
磁带站4200 安捷伦
The Agilent 4200 TapeStation system is an established automated electrophoresis tool for DNA and RNA sample quality control. This tape station does fully automated sample processing which enables the unattended analysis of size, concentration and integrity.
Enders 1317
DiSPIM Lightsheet microscope
ASI 倒双物镜灯光片显微镜系统允许对细胞,组织和器官的快速3维实时成像和固定成像。该系统配备了压电控制的双重目标(20倍空气或40倍水),四个具有AOTF控制的固态激光器,X-Y-Z Piezo驱动的电动舞台,专用室,计算机和高分辨率监视器。该系统还配置为使用DG4高速开关XENON LIGHT SOURCE和数字CMOS摄像机的实时倒立比率Epifluorecens成像。 Enders 613
Zetaview Zetaview小粒子分析仪采用纳米颗粒跟踪分析(NTA),将液体悬浮液中的颗粒的布朗运动速率与粒径联系起来。 Enders 1052
4200 Analysis of DNA and RNA fragments Enders 1317
Tokai命中舞台顶部环境室 str CO2 and Temp control for live cell monitoring on Keyence epifluorescent scope
Enders 1313