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Rosamund Stone Zander转化神经科学中心(RSZ TNC)研究|概述

Team members at work in the Translational Neuroscience Center.

The Rosamund Stone Zander Translational Neuroscience Center (RSZ TNC) was launched by Boston Children’s pioneering physicians and biomedical scientists inDevelopmental Medicine,Genetics and Genomics,Neurobiology,神经病学,神经外科,神经放射学,以及精神病学和行为科学. The RSZ TNC has established ties between laboratory researchers and clinicians who care for children at the hospital; developed shared resources for efficient translation of discoveries from bench to bedside; and promoted cross-fertilization of ideas to maximize research value.

参加RSZ TNC计划的波士顿儿童医师和科学家是研究和治疗神经发育和神经精神疾病的创新者。RSZ TNC由一个执行团队领导,包括Mustafa Sahin, MD, PhD, Director;Kira A. Dies, ScM, Executive Director;Lisa Prock, MD, MPH, Clinical Director;Stephanie Jo Brewster, MS, Director, Clinical Research Operations;伊丽莎白·巴特莫尔(Elizabeth Buttermore),博士,人类神经元核心副总监;转化基因组医学总监Maya Chopra医学博士。他们与杰出的科学咨询委员会合作,由来自波士顿儿童的主要部门和部门主席组成,以及一个战略咨询委员会,以设定RSZ TNC的目标和优先事项。

The Rosamund Stone Zander Translational Neuroscience Center strives to improve the lives of children and adolescents with disorders of brain development through:

  • 创新的临床计划
  • 杰出的基础科学
  • efficient translation of novel ideas into practical tools for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of childhood diseases

Our approach

The goal of the RSZ TNC is to improve the lives of children with brain disorders via及时有效翻译通过波士顿儿童医院的杰出研究者以及与外部研究社区合作的合作,科学研究。

我们对神经系统的理解的进步创造了前所未有的机会来解决曾经完全抵抗治疗的小儿疾病。与遗传疾病有关的临床试验autism spectrum disorders, formuscular dystrophy和童年brain tumorsare pushing the boundaries of pediatric medicine.Collaborators Grid between Industry, Academics, Disease and National Institutes of health.

RSZ TNC的举措是加强医院与学术,政府和公司合作者以及基于疾病的基金会的现有关系。By clarifying and enriching Boston Children’s resources available to pursue translational research in the faculty’s core areas of expertise, which include autism spectrum disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, pain/regeneration, and neuro-oncology, the RSZ TNC can facilitate the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations to improve early diagnosis, accelerate drug discovery, and generate additional novel strategies for reducing the burden of pediatric nervous system disorders for patients and families in Boston, as well as across the U.S. and the globe.

Our mission

  • accelerate thetranslation of research discoveries进入小儿神经系统疾病的治疗方法
  • develop effective strategies for disease prevention and treatment throughcollaborationsamong world-renowned basic scientists at Boston Children’s, in partnership with the external drug discovery community
  • 培训未来的领导者有关小儿翻译神经科学的关键组成部分
  • 与地方,国家和国际合作者分享小儿神经科学中跨学科翻译医学的新模型

RSZ TNC研究人员与其他学术研究人员进行了众多合作National Institutes of Health, disease-based foundations, and patient advocacy groups worldwide. The RSZ TNC also collaborates extensively with biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical device companies at every stage of research and development.


The RSZ TNC facilitates the training of a new generation of investigators and leaders capable of collaborating as part of a team spanning preclinical to clinical work with novel and targeted treatments for individuals with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders. Training opportunities focus on core competencies in translational neuroscience such as critical aspects of transitioning from lab or animal studies to human clinical trials, understanding the drug discovery cycle, and appreciating the critical role of biomarkers and outcome measures in clinical trials.

Rosamund Stone Zander转化神经科学中心(RSZ TNC)研究|联系我们

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