
Rosamund Stone Zander转化神经科学中心(RSZ TNC)研究|Overview


罗莎蒙德·斯通(Rosamund Stone Zander)转化神经科学中心(RSZ TNC)是由波士顿儿童开拓医生和生物医学科学家发起的发展医学,,,,遗传学和基因组学,,,,神经生物学,,,,Neurology,,,,Neurosurgery,,,,Neuroradiology, andPsychiatry and Behavioral Sciences。RSZ TNC已经建立了实验室研究人员和照顾医院儿童的临床医生之间的联系;开发了共享资源,以有效地翻译从长凳到床边的发现;并促进了思想的交叉侵入,以最大程度地提高研究价值。

Boston Children’s physicians and scientists who participate in RSZ TNC programs are innovators in the study and treatment of neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders. The RSZ TNC is led by a Executive Team that includes医学博士Mustafa Sahin博士,导演;Kira A. Dies,SCM,执行董事;丽莎·普罗克(Lisa Prock),医学博士,MPH,临床主任;斯蒂芬妮·乔·布鲁斯特(Stephanie Jo Brewster),女士,临床研究操作主任;Elizabeth Buttermore, PhD, Human Neuron Core Associate Director;and Maya Chopra, MD, Director of Translational Genomic Medicine. They work in conjunction with the distinguished Scientific Advisory Committee, consisting of key department and division chairs from across Boston Children’s, and an Strategic Advisory Committee to set goals and priorities for the RSZ TNC.

罗莎蒙德·斯通(Rosamund Stone)Zander转化神经科学中心致力于通过以下方式改善患有大脑发育障碍的儿童和青少年的生活:

  • innovative clinical programs
  • outstanding basic science
  • 有效地将新思想转化为实用工具,用于诊断,治疗和预防儿童疾病


RSZ TNC的目标是通过timely and efficient translationof scientific research through collaboration among Boston Children's Hospital's exceptional investigators and in partnership with the external research community.

Advances in our understanding of the nervous system have created unprecedented opportunities to tackle pediatric diseases that once seemed completely resistant to therapy. Clinical trials for genetic diseases associated with自闭症谱系障碍, 为了肌营养不良症,,,,and for childhood脑部肿瘤正在推动小儿医学的界限。工业,学者,疾病和国立卫生研究院之间的合作者网格。

加强医院现有的关系s with academic, government, and corporate collaborators, as well as disease-based foundations, are the RSZ TNC's initiatives. By clarifying and enriching Boston Children’s resources available to pursue translational research in the faculty’s core areas of expertise, which include autism spectrum disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, pain/regeneration, and neuro-oncology, the RSZ TNC can facilitate the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations to improve early diagnosis, accelerate drug discovery, and generate additional novel strategies for reducing the burden of pediatric nervous system disorders for patients and families in Boston, as well as across the U.S. and the globe.


  • 加速研究发现的翻译into cures for pediatric nervous system disorders
  • 通过协作在波士顿儿童的世界知名基础科学家中,与外部药物发现社区合作
  • train future leaders about critical components of pediatric translational neuroscience
  • share new models of interdisciplinary translational medicine in pediatric neuroscience with local, national, and international collaborators

RSZ TNC researchers engage in numerous collaborations with other academic researchers, the国立卫生研究院,基于疾病的基础和全球患者倡导团体。RSZ TNC还在研发的每个阶段与生物技术,制药和医疗设备公司进行了广泛的合作。


RSZ TNC促进了对新一代的调查人员和能够合作的培训,作为临床前的团队的一部分,该团队涉及临床上的临床工作,并针对患有一系列神经发育障碍的人进行新颖和有针对性的治疗。培训机会的重点是转化神经科学中的核心竞争力,例如从实验室或动物研究过渡到人类临床试验的关键方面,了解药物发现周期,并欣赏生物标志物的关键作用和结果指标在临床试验中。

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