



The University of Tromso is now an NBAS training site. Jorunn Tunby, Nina Cheetham and Inger Pauline Landsem are the new designated NBAS trainers for Norway (and all three are NBO-certified). Nina Cheetham completed her Master’s degree, investigating the use of NBO with first time mothers in May 2011. The other two NBAS-trainers Inger Pauline Landsem and Jorunn Tunby have certified one NBAS-examiner each, and have five in-training, three of whom are from Fredrikstad.

由凯文·努金特(Kevin Nugent)和伊维特·布兰查德(Yvette Blanchard)领导的特罗姆瑟(Tromsø)的NBO课程在2010年有20名来自挪威各地的参与者。这发起了更多NBO-Courses的请求。去年夏天,凯文·努金特(Kevin Nugent)和奥斯陆(Kristie Brandt)在奥斯陆(Kristie Brandt)领导的婴儿精神卫生专业人员的另外两门课程。


The National Network for Infant Mental Health and the Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Eastern and Southern Norway (R.BUP Oslo) will be the center for NBO training in Norway. The new NBO trainers are Kari Slinning and Nancy Moss. Earlier this year, R.BUP Oslo sponsored Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) system training in Oslo from June 11 to June 15th. Over 50 participants from all over Norway (and Sweden and Denmark) – Psychologists, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Pediatricians, Educators, Social Workers and Psychiatrists – completed NBO training in Oslo on June 11-12 and on June 14-15th. The program was organized by Dr. Kari Slinning (R.BUP), assisted by Unni Rosenkilde, Program Coordinator. Dr. Slinning is a Child Psychologist and Researcher at the Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Eastern and Southern Norway (R.BUP Oslo) and has been studying the effects and treatment of postpartum depression in her research. In her role in the National Network for Infant Mental Health, Dr. Slinning’s plan is to introduce the NBO to hospital and clinic settings across Norway. This NBO training is the first step. The NBO faculty included Brazelton Institute faculty, Drs. Krisite Brandt and Kevin Nugent. The training included lectures and discussion on themes such as “The NBO and Infant Mental Health”, “Relationship-building through the NBO”, “Reading the subtle communication cues of newborns” and “Learning to administer the NBO step-by-step”.

20天大的Helge以及他的母亲和Kari Slinning和Kevin Nugent

Both sessions included a live demonstration of the NBO. In this case, it was 20 day-old Helge and his mother who kindly offered to come to the training session so that participants could experience a live demonstration of the NBO with a newborn infant and his or her parents. During both NBO sessions, Helge demonstrated just how competent Norwegian newborns are – he was robust, well-organized and socially responsive in every area so that he provided a unique opportunity to see how the NBO can draw out the baby’s individuality and uniqueness at this young age. Helge was the prefect teacher!

参与者评论 -

  • “鼓舞人心!”
  • “伟大的演示”
  • “很棒 - 一切都很棒!”
  • “Two wonderful days”
  • “我看到了孩子对父母的影响的力量”
  • “我学会了尊重父母和婴儿”
  • “Learning the NBO will make me more sensitive to newborns”
  • “I learned how to show parents what their baby can do”
  • “我喜欢对孩子的长处的强调”
  • “I learned that I am the parent’s partner not their teacher”
  • “ NBO帮助父母将他们的婴儿视为一个人 - 阅读婴儿,并用“新眼睛”看婴儿。

剩下:Drammen医院护士学习NBO中心:瑞典参与者学习管理NBO正确的:Experienced in the NBAS, Kerstein and Nancy learn the NBO

A Model Program

在Atle Moen博士的指导和领导下,Drammen Hospital是妇女和儿童诊所的NICU中以家庭化的个性化护理是最佳实践的典范。我们有机会去医院,并与许多父母和员工交谈。心理学家南希·莫斯(Nancy Moss)在1980年接受了努金特(Nugent)博士在NBA的培训,多年来一直在向医院介绍基于关系的护理原则方面发挥了关键作用。医院的护士参加了NBO培训,并计划将NBO引入其出院计划和随访。父母对他们如何包含在决策以及NICU确实是婴儿及其家人的家中的程度上,对我们的满意度印象深刻。


Topics include Preterm birth, Epigenetics, International Health, Early Intervention. Dr. Kevin Nugent will speak on the use of the NBO in early intervention settings.


By Jorunn Tunby, NNS, Research nurse/ project coordinator


The intervention was a slightly modified version of The Vermont Intervention Program, based on the work of T.Berry Brazelton, the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale. The parents in the intervention group received counseling from a specially trained neonatal nurse one hour per day during the last week before discharge. Additionally, the nurses performed four home visits, lasting one hour, during the first three months after discharge. The children and their parents have been followed up when the child was 6 months, one, two three, five, 7 and 9 years old with psychological and medical assessments. This has resulted in three doctoral theses. Shortly, this work have documented that the intervention reduced stress experienced by parents across the first five years of life, and increased the cognitive outcome and reduced behavioral problems reported by parents at five years. Two new candidates (one nurse and one psychologist) intend to take their PhD on the data after five years.
