Current Environment:

Belgium |Overview

Drs. Claire Goldman and Marie-Paule Durieux, Brussels-based NBAS Trainers, have certified three new examiners on the NBAS:

Dr Sandra Richard is a child psychiatrist, living in Luxembourg, who will shortly move to Switzerland and will practice at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois, Les Allières 1011 Lausanne and at the SPEA rue des Valentins, Yverdons les Bains.

Mme Karine Cadona from Rombas, France, practices as a nurse at the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, 4 rue Barblé, 1210, Luxembourg

The third examiner Janati Idrissi, a child psychiatrist from the North of France, was trained by Drs. Goldman and Durieux in Lille. She will work at the Mme Karine Cadona.

Congratulations to all three!
