Current Environment:

Contact Us |Overview

Patients and referring physicians can contact the Boston Children's Hospital Vascular Anomalies Center (VAC) byemailor by phone (Monday through Friday). The VAC staff can assist you in arranging appointments or consultations, and provide information about the center's services.

Vascular Anomalies Center
Fegan Building, Third Floor
300 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02115


How to find us

The Vascular Anomalies Center is located on the third floor of the Fegan Building.

From the Main Entrance:

  • If you enter the hospital through the Main Entrance, walk into the lobby and bear left.
  • The blue Fegan elevators will be on your left.
  • Take the Fegan elevators to the third floor.

From the patient parking garage:

  • If you park in the garage, take the elevator to the fourth floor for the Fazzalari Sky Bridge.
  • Walk across the Sky Bridge and the blue Fegan elevators will be on your left.
  • Take the Fegan elevators to the third floor.

International patients

For families residing outside of the United States, please contactBoston Children's Global Services, which facilitates the medical review of patient records and appointment scheduling, and which provides assistance with customs and immigration, transportation, hotel, and housing accommodations.

Global Services
Pavilion Building, Room 119
300 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02115 USA

