Current Environment:

SAFER SEX INTERVENTIONis a clinic-based individualized intervention designed to reduce sexual risk behaviors and prevent the recurrence of sexually transmitted infection (STI) among young women ages 13-23 diagnosed with an STI. Safer Sex Intervention was designed to be delivered at the time of STI diagnosis and/or treatment, when the young woman is most likely to be contemplating her sexual risk behaviors. The intervention is administered one-on-one and face-to-face by a female health educator in a single 30- to 50-minute session. The session follows one of two intervention guides, selected on the basis of the young woman’s discussion with the educator and her self-identified stage of behavior change.

Original study

The original study was a randomized controlled trial of the intervention compared to standard care, designed to determine the effect of the Safer Sex Intervention on condom use and recurrent STD among female adolescents diagnosed as having an STD. One hundred twenty-three patients ages 13-23 with cervicitis or pelvic inflammatory disease were enrolled from an outpatient adolescent clinic or inpatient adolescent service of an urban children’s hospital.

Compared to control participants, young women receiving the Safer Sex Intervention had increased sexual risk knowledge and more positive attitudes toward condoms and tended to report using condoms more with a non-main partner at 1 month, lower likelihood of sex with a non-main partner at 6 months, and a tendency toward lower likelihood of having a current main partner and of having recurrent STD at 12 months.

The article describing the study, published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine in 2001, is available这里

Planning a replication

干预材料可从Sociometrics购买,并且可以免费提供ETR Associates的适应套件。Shrier博士也可以咨询。请参阅下面的更多信息。

DESCRIPTION:As part of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative, the Federal Office of Adolescent Health awarded almost $6.5 million to 6 sites across the U.S. to replicate the Safer Sex Intervention. A program description and overview from the Office of Adolescent Health's Pregnancy Prevention Intervention Implementation Report is available这里。

PROGRAM MATERIALS:该计划关于性,健康和青春期(Pasha)的计划档案汇集了实施和评估更安全的性干预所需的所有材料。这些材料可从Sociometrics的性,健康和青春期的计划档案中购买:

改编套件:A Safer Sex Intervention adaptation kit is available for free electronically from ETR Associates. The adaptation kit was created to give healthcare practitioners the resources and tools they need to guide them in creating effective adaptations of the Safer Sex Intervention program. The kit details the intervention’s core components and helps ensure that adaptations are safely and accurately implemented.Read theSafer Sex Intervention改编套件在这里。

CONSULTANCY:作为更安全的性干预的开发商,Shrier博士非常适合提供有关复制干预的意图,内容和设计的咨询,以及其对原始干预措施的保真度。Click herefor more information about consulting with Dr. Shrier.

About Lydia A. Shrier

Lydia A. Shrier, MD, MPH, is a Senior Associate in Medicine with the Division of Adolescent/Young Adult Medicine of Boston Children's Hospital and an Associate Professor of Pediatrics atHarvard Medical School。She completed a fellowship in Adolescent Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital and received a Master of Public Health degree in Maternal-Child Health from theHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health。Shrier博士由许多来源资助,包括国家心理健康研究所and theNational Institute on Drug Abuse, to conduct research on mental health and risk behavior in adolescents. Her research uses mobile technology to collect data from youth several times a day in their natural environments.Click here有关Shrier博士研究的更多信息。
