Current Environment:


The Region 1 Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU) of New England located at Boston Children’s Hospital provides an opportunity for learners of all stages, levels, and backgrounds to participate in a flexible educational and experiential program with a focus on environmental justice and climate change. Student enrollees — including but not limited to high school students, graduate and undergraduate students, medical and nursing students, residents, etc. — will be learning from and collaborating with health professionals from Boston Children’s Hospital,Boston Medical Center,,,,剑桥卫生联盟,,,,and贝丝以色列女执事医疗中心

In addition to their chosen topic and project work, students will learn how to take an environmental history and field clinical questions regarding childhood/prenatal environmental exposures, such as lead, pesticides, and air pollution.


  • choose a topic of interest to study
  • shadow physicians in a clinical setting, either in person or via a telehealth visit
  • attend educational seminars and lectures
  • 与公共卫生机构的代表参加会议
  • 协助正在进行的研究和倡导项目
  • 协助健康教育和外展工作



Educational objectives**

These objectives are meant to be for information purposes only. Many EJCC Scholars may not be able to achieve many, or even some, of these during a rotation or elective. How many they might accomplish will depend, in part, on the duration and focus of the educational experience.


  1. 确定有关筛查,诊断,风险交流和治疗的相关资源。
  2. 解释在发展的不同阶段,胎儿和儿童期表观遗传学,生理,器官成熟和行为如何增加环境暴露的影响。
  3. 描述与环境因素相关的产前,围产期和儿科状况。
  4. Describe prenatal, perinatal, and pediatric exposures that may lead to disorders in birth outcomes, childhood, adolescence, and/or adulthood.
  5. Describe aspects of the environment that nurture healthy growth and development in the fetus, child, and adolescent.
  6. 描述与身体/社会环境因素有关的健康和健康差异的社会决定因素

B. Individual patient care

  1. Take an environmental history from a patient/parent.
  2. 将EH筛查问题应用于预防保健中的发展。
  3. 应用适当的环境和生物学抽样和测量,以适当地进行筛查和诊断测试和解释结果。
  4. 制定一项计划,以减少患者或儿童接触环境污染物的暴露。
  5. Evaluate the effectiveness of therapies and methods of reducing environmental exposures.
  6. Create and implement appropriate EH anticipatory guidance, risk counseling, and hazard reductions.
  7. Identify and coordinate available community resources to improve a patient's well-being.


  1. 评估社区中的环境暴露。
  2. 向社区成员,学校董事会或其他利益相关者沟通环境风险。
  3. Interpret legal, regulatory, and non-regulatory approaches to addressing EH issues.
  4. Identify partners and resources for addressing EH risks, and for counseling and management at the community level.
  5. 开发媒体素养,以便将媒体教育用作倡导工具。
  6. Describe sentinel events and strategies for their public health reporting.

D. Research

Specific research opportunities will be discussed at the beginning of the elective and may include opportunities within the PEHSU or the Boston Children’s Hospital Pediatric Environmental Health Center (PEHC).


Each student is expected to submit a self-reflection on what they learned during this experience, activities in which they participated, and how it impacted their future educational and career plans.


  1. introduction to pediatric environmental health
  2. 室内空气质量
  3. childhood lead poisoning
  4. climate change
  5. environmental justice and health disparities
  6. 生育能力,怀孕,哺乳和环境
  7. PFA/水污染

**从:Etzel等人修改。2003年。专家的小儿环境健康能力。Ambul Pediatr;3(1):60-63和Goldman RH等。为学生,受训者和医疗保健提供者开发和实施儿童环境健康的核心能力:叙事评论。BMC医学教育2021;21:503。


Student trainees will have the opportunity to intern at the following locations:

  • 欧宝彩票平台波士顿儿童医院儿科环境卫生中心(PEHC),波士顿套房Boylston Street 1295
  • The PEHC patient clinic, which is located at 333 Longwood Avenue, 5th Floor, Boston
  • 波士顿医疗中心,位于波士顿的波士顿医疗中心地方
  • 贝丝以色列女执事医疗中心,,,,330 Brookline Avenue, Boston
  • 剑桥卫生联盟,,,,1493 Cambridge Street, Cambridge


According to the EPA, environmental justice is defined as the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. This goal will be achieved when everyone has:

  • the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards
  • 平等获得决策过程,以拥有健康的环境,可以在其中生活和工作

Length of course


“Mini-electives”可能只有我们2 - 4eks, for which the learning objectives will be abbreviated. Longer electives, externships, non-course-credit volunteer experiences, rotators, and observers may span one or more months in duration, with the opportunity for more in-depth study and more structured activities.




EJCC学者职位有限,和the application process is competitive. Only one or two interns are selected each academic year. Women and under-represented minority students are encouraged to apply. Prospective applicants can inquire by emailing Ms. Kim Manning。Please be sure to include your updated resume.



  1. 区域1 PEHSU EJCC学者申请表
  2. EJCC补充问卷
  3. letter from the school’s registrar’s office denoting that they are a student in good standing
  4. 目前的主管,高中或大学顾问或另一名对他们很了解他们的学校官员对这项活动的支持信
  5. 当前和更新的简历



  • 欧宝彩票平台波士顿儿童医院:医学博士Alan Woolf,MPH;玛丽莎·霍普曼(Marissa Hauptman),医学博士,MPH;Shalini Shah,做
  • 剑桥卫生联盟: Rose Goldman, MD, MPH
  • 贝丝以色列女执事医疗中心:医学博士布莱尔·威利(Blair Wylie),MPH
  • Boston Medical Center: Noah Buncher, MD


  • Aaron (Ari) Bernstein, MD
  • 诺亚·邦奇(Noah Buncher),医学博士
  • Rose Goldman, MD, MPH
  • Shalini Shah,做
  • 艾伦·伍尔夫(Alan Woolf),医学博士,MPH
  • 医学博士Blair Wylie


  • Kim Manning

Administrative credentialing

  • 阿尔巴·萨维农
  • Le Pham


电子邮件Region1pehsu@childrens.harvard.eduor call 617-355-8177.

Disclosures: The Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units (PEHSUs) are supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and funded (in part) by the cooperative agreementFAIN: NU61TS000296与疾病控制与预防中心/有毒物质和疾病登记处(CDC/ATSDR)的中心。美国环境保护署(EPA)通过通过机构间协议编号DW-75-95877701为CDC/ATSDR提供部分资金来支持PEHSUS。该网站上的内容尚未由CDC/ATSDR或EPA正式传播,不应解释为代表任何代理决定或政策。可能提到的商品名称的使用仅用于识别,并不意味着CDC/ATSDR或EPA认可。
