

The importance of a comprehensive assessment

The first step in care through our Neuropsychology Program at Boston Children's is a comprehensive assessment, designed to give clinicians an extensive understanding of your child's:

  • primarymedical或者neurological problem
  • 身体症状
  • day-to-day behavioral adjustments

Our neuropsychologists gather information while getting to know you and your child as individuals, so that we can deliver the most advanced, effective and compassionate care possible.

The assessment process at Boston Children's

  • Establish that your child either has, or does not have, damage, dysfunction or a developmental abnormality of the brain caused by such factors as:
    • abrain tumor
    • a seizure disorder, such as癫痫
    • cerebrovascular disease orstroke
    • 先天性或发育障碍spina bifida
    • exposure to agents—such as lead—that have been associated with neurological problems
    • ahead injury
    • infections of the central nervous system, such asencephalitis或者AIDS/HIV.
    • 白血病that has since been treated
    • 代谢性脑病,或者dysfunction throughout the brain, associated withkidney disease或者肝病
    • 一段时间缺乏大脑的氧气,也称为低氧发作
    • premature birth
  • Determine the severity of the brain abnormality
  • 确定儿童神经和行为功能的哪些领域受到脑功能障碍的影响,包括:
    • 学术技能
    • 注意力
    • 听觉(听力)和视觉感知
    • communication, speech and language
    • 执行控制功能(包括组织,推理,解决问题和行为法规)
    • response to outside stimulus
    • 感官能力
    • social and emotional information-processing abilities
    • verbal and non-verbal memory
    • 视觉和空间关系技能
  • 用一种或一系列神经心理障碍诊断您的孩子
  • Determine the biological or medical cause of the disorder
  • Track any changes in your child's functioning over time
  • 提供对治疗长期反应的预后

Planning together

Our team of neuropsychologists collaborates with Boston Children's psychiatrists, social workers, neurologists, neurosurgeons and other health professionals to develop a treatment plan that:

  • takes into account the particular circumstances of your child’s condition
  • helps your child feel and function better while adapting new coping skills for a happy, fulfilling adult life
  • involves you and your family at every stage of care

Our research

Just as we are committed to exemplary patient care, our Neuropsychology Program clinicians at Boston Children's are also engaged in important scientific research with real implications for better identifying, understanding and treating neuropsychological disorders in children and young adults.


Celiane M. Rey-Casserly博士,ABPP/ABCN
Director, Boston Children’s Neuropsychology Program

  • neuropsychological outcomes of premature/low birth weight babies
  • 优化癌症幸存者的教育和职业成果
  • assessment of spatial learning in children and adolescents with neurofibromatosis

简·霍尔姆斯·伯恩斯坦(Jane Holmes Bernstein),博士
Staff Neuropsychologist, Boston Children's

  • neuropsychological foundations of learning disorders
  • neuropsychological assessment of the developing child
  • use of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure in neuropsychological assessments

克里斯汀·玛科茨基(Christine Mrakotsky),博士
Staff Neuropsychologist, Boston Children's

  • neuropsychological development in children with chronic immune illness
  • cognitive effects of corticosteroids and immune response in children with inflammatory bowel disease
  • brain imaging (fMRI, EEG) of memory in children with immune illness

坦尼娅潜水r, PhD
Attending Neuropsychologist, Boston Children's

  • neurobehavioral outcomes in childhood brain tumors
  • 儿童脑肿瘤的社会发展

Hoa Schneider, PhD
Attending Neuropsychologist, Boston Children's

  • 颅面疾病,包括非综合症和综合征颅骨突变。
  • 学习障碍
  • development of executive control and self-regulation capacity in children

Ferne Pinard, PhD
Attending Neuropsychologist, Boston Children's

  • pediatric multiple sclerosis and neuroinflammatory disorders
  • opsoclonus myoclonus
  • health policy and international settings

Sophie Foss, PhD
Attending Neuropsychologist, Boston Children's

  • fetal, infant, and toddler development
  • 幼儿评估
  • developmental origins of health and disease (DOHAD)