Current Environment:


在波士欧宝彩票平台顿儿童医院,我们认为您和您的孩子的整体护理团队不可或缺,而不仅仅是接受护理的接受者。We specialize in family centered treatment, which means that from your first visit to our Neuropsychology Program, you’ll work with a team of professionals who are committed to meeting your child’s neurological, psychological, and developmental needs while providing emotional support and educational information for your family.

Your child’s appointment: frequently asked questions

How can I schedule an initial appointment with Boston Children’s Neuropsychology Program? Do I need a referral first?

Patients are referred to our Neuropsychology Program through many sources — both within and outside Boston Children’s — including neurologists, oncologists, neurosurgeons, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other clinicians.


Will insurance cover my child’s Neuropsychology Program appointment?

It is important to call and check with your insurance provider before you schedule an appointment with us. Some insurers will not cover neuropsychological assessments if a child has already undergone a similar assessment in the past 12 months, or if a school-based evaluation of learning, function, and special needs has been administered. Please be sure to call the number on the back of your subscriber identification card to inquire about coverage for neuropsychological assessments. If you have questions for our staff or require additional assistance, please call us at 617-355-8434.


Your child’s age and individual circumstances may determine which information (and the amount of information) you choose to share before the initial appointment. Guidelines for a beneficial conversation might include:

  • 医生解释说,你会会议going to ask some questions and give some assignments to help figure out what sort of a “thinker” and “learner” your child is
  • visiting the Boston Children’s website and taking a“虚拟旅游”和你的孩子一起医院
  • 保证您的孩子在整个约会期间都会在那里
  • 鼓励您的孩子自由谈论感觉和烦恼,并在约会之前和期间提出任何问题


  • the name of the doctor you will be seeing
  • the name and floor of the Boston Children’s building you will be visiting
  • 如果适用,您的推荐医师的姓名和电话号码
  • your insurance card(s) (please be sure to call your insurance provider prior to your appointment, to make sure that your plan will cover a neuropsychological assessment for your child)
  • 如果适用,您的保险共付款
  • 您孩子推荐的信息
  • all relevant medical and personal records
  • 所有相关的学校记录,包括:
    • psychological evaluation reports
    • 语音/语言,物理治疗或职业治疗报告
    • psychoeducational records
    • individualized education plans
    • 504 plans (plans listing modifications and accommodations for your child under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act)
  • a list of your child’s medications
  • a list of questions you have for the doctor and staff (if appropriate for your child’s age and maturity, you may want to have him or her come up with questions that he or she is curious about)
  • 您的孩子和您的社会保险号(出于保险目的)
  • 波士顿儿童神经心理学计划邮寄给您的任何表格
  • 书籍,游戏,小吃,配方奶,尿布,换衣服或其他必需品



  • ability to learn and retain information
  • 语言和沟通技巧
  • visual and auditory (hearing) perception
  • organizational, decision-making, behavioral, and emotional control

You and your child will be able — and encouraged — to ask questions throughout the assessment.

I received a bill for my child’s appointment. Who should I call with questions?



If you need to reschedule an appointment, please call 617-355-8434. (Please provide at least 24 hours advance notice whenever possible.)

My child’s health problems can be overwhelming. Does Boston Children’s offer a service to help me find the information and additional support I may need?

Hale Family Center for Families致力于帮助家庭找到所需的信息和资源,以更好地了解孩子的特殊状况并参与他们的护理。欢迎所有患者,家庭和卫生专业人员以无需额外费用使用中心服务。该中心的开放时间为周一至周五的上午8点至晚上7点,周六的上午9点至下午1点。有关更多信息,请致电617-355-6279。

Making sure your insurance covers a neuropsychological assessment



  • 您的孩子已经接受了学校评估,以识别,筛选或测试特殊需求或学习障碍
  • your child has undergone a similar neuropsychological assessment within the past 12 months, unless his or her condition requires close monitoring over time


What else you need to know

通读our guide适用于新患者及其家人。
