Current Environment:


The Neurogenetics Program at Boston Children's provides an innovative approach to genetic disorders of the nervous system with a unique combination of specialized clinical care and dedicated basic science and translational research.



CDKL5诊所(Heather Olson, MD)


Mitochondrial Program(Irina Anselm, MD)



The Engle lab is dedicated to study of genetic eye movement disorders which can cause both visual impairment and cosmetic differences. Through this research, the lab has identified and characterized a variety of different eye movement disorders and discovered the genes that cause them. The lab combines clinical, genetic, and molecular biological approaches to the study of these disorders.

Sahin实验室(Mustafa Sahin,MD,PHD)

The Sahin lab is dedicated to understanding the neurological complications, such as seizures, autism, and intellectual disability, which are found in Tuberous Sclerosis (TSC), a genetic condition. Currently, while many children with TSC develop these neurologic complications, the cause is not fully understood. The Sahin lab also focuses on spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) which is a neurogenetic disorder caused by a dysfunctional SMN protein. Dr. Sahin is focusing on the role of SMN protein in the working of the nervous system to gain a better understanding of this disease.

儿科神经肌肉临床研究(PNCR)网络(Basil Darras,MD)

This project, funded by theSMA Foundation旨在制定脊髓肌萎缩患者的有效阶段I和II临床试验的必要工具和设施。这些试验将旨在测试候选药物,并采用创新的临床试验设计,以最大限度地减少研究持续时间和样本量。这些初步研究旨在提高患者和SMA的临床试验质量,并最大限度地提高这些患者能够进行的研究。

Neurofibromatosis Clinical Trials Consortium(妮可Ullrich,MD)


癫痫遗传学(Annapurna Poduri, MD)

The Epilepsy Phenome/Genome Project (EPGP) is an international consortium that has come together with the aim of identifying the underlying genetic basis of epilepsy to help shape the future of clinical care for individuals with epilepsy. Dr. Poduri and the Epilepsy Genetics Program also work on a variety of other projects aimed at gene discovery for various types of childhood epilepsy, including a project for Ohtahara syndrome.


波士顿儿童医院的Phelan McDermid综合征(PMS)诊所结合了专门治疗与Shank3突变和缺失相关的各种并发症的医生的专业知识。Mustafa Sahin,MD,PHD,引导我们的计划并得到支持a team of pediatric specialists in EpilepsyGenetics那Nephrology, and Ophthalmology as well as our自闭症谱中心。此外,我们的诊所正在参与多中心NIH资助的研究,旨在全面地表征Phelan-McDermid综合征的自然病史(发育突触病联盟)。


我们在波士顿儿童医院的多学科PTEN HARTOMA肿瘤综合征(PHTS)诊所包括专门治疗儿童的专家医师,与PTEN相关综合征有关的各种并发症。我们的计划由儿童神经科医生带领Mustafa Sahin,MD,PHD那and includes Children's pediatric specialists inDermatology那Endocrinology, Gastroenterology,Genetics和肿瘤学。我们团队的每个成员都有特殊的专业知识,治疗具有PTEN突变的儿童,致力于提供协调和集中的跨学科护理。凭借进一步澄清与PTEN相关综合征的个体的临床护理指南,BCH PHTS诊所正在参与一个旨在全面地表征PTEN HTEN HARTOMO肿瘤综合征的自然历史的多中心研究,并在2017年推出治疗试验(发育突触病联盟)。


The Rett Syndrome Research Program at Boston Children’s Hospital is committed to advancing our understanding of Rett syndrome and MECP2-related disorders by running clinical trials and research studies. We are also developing innovative biomarkers that can be used to assess severity and treatment effectiveness in current and future clinical trials. In our Rett Clinic, we are dedicated to helping children and adults develop to their full potential by providing specialized medical care as well as behavioral and rehabilitative therapies. Our aim is to work with families to choose the best combination of therapies and medication to manage symptoms and to promote an environment ideal for learning and development
