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Contact Us |Overview

For more information about our services or to schedule an appointment or consultation with Boston Children's Interstitial Lung Disease Program, please contact us at:

Interstitial Lung Disease Program
300 Longwood Avenue, Farley 4
Boston, MA 02215

Main line (including appointments): 617-355-1900
Prescription refills: 617-355-7078
Fax: 617-730-0373

For families residing outside of the United States, please contact please contact International Health Services at Boston Children's, which facilitates the medical review of patient.

Find us

Boston Children’s Interstitial Lung Disease Program (within the Pulmonary Clinic) is located on the fourth floor of the Farley Building.

  • Enter the hospital through the Main Entrance and walk up the stairs on your left.
  • At top of the stairs, make a right. Follow the hallway to the Farley elevators.
  • Take the Farley elevators to the fourth floor.
  • The Pulmonary Clinic will be to the left as you walk off the elevators.