Current Environment:

Patient Resources |Overview

Properly managing IBD symptoms goes well beyond just medical treatment—it requires work and understanding from the patient and his or her family. Our patients and their families routinely meet with a team of Boston Children's educators who teach them about their condition and its treatment. We believe that the more our patients know about their IBD and its management, the easier it is to control.

We have several types of digital, printed and video materials for families, all centered on IBD education and management

Nutrition and IBD

Living with IBD guides from Boston Children’s experts

The Boston Children’sIBD Centeris dedicated to helping our patients lead the healthiest lives possible. Central to that goal is combining our outstanding medical care with comprehensive, ongoing patient and family support.

Our team helps patients and their families understand IBD, learn how to manage it and cope with all related challenges along the way.

Download these helpful guides created by Boston Children’s IBD specialists:

Your Guide to Inflammatory Bowel Diseaseis an e-book that provides a high level overview of what you need to know about leading healthy lives with IBD.

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Access our guide on surgical treatments for Ulcerative Colitis (UC) patients to learn more information about the procedure should you and your IBD team decide that surgery is the right choice.

What to do when you have a flareis a pdf that helps you identify signs and symptoms of a flare-up to know when it is time to make an appointment with your gastroenterologist

Your Child with Inflammatory Bowel Diseaseis a comprehensive book that talks about all aspects of having a child with IBD, co-edited by Athos Bousvaros, MD, MPH, associate director of the IBD Center.

External Crohn’s Disease Resources

External Ulcerative Colitis Resources

IBD resources for international patients

Boston Children's Global Servicesis a dedicated resource for patients and families from countries outside the United States. Global Services:

  • facilitates the medical review of patient records
  • assists with scheduling appointments
  • provides assistance with customs and immigration
  • helps coordinate transportation
  • assists with arranging hotel lodging and other housing accommodations

You may contact Global Services by phone at+01-617-355-5209or via e-mail

Make an appointment

For more information, appointments or a second opinion, please call the Boston Children’s IBD Center at617-355-6058orrequest an appointment online.
