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Hypertension Program |概述

The Hypertension Program at Boston Children’s Hospital was developed specifically to treat children, adolescents, and young adults with high blood pressure. Our clinical staff brings together a number of providers from various sub-specialties who work as a team to provide the most consistent, comprehensive, and personalized care..

High blood pressure, also called高血压, can come in two forms:

Primary (essential) hypertensionmeans that there is no obvious underlying cause for the high blood pressure that can be attributed to a disorder of the heart or kidneys or some hormonal imbalance. Primary hypertension can run in families so it is thought there may be inherited factors that can interact with aspects of an individual’s lifestyle to cause the high blood pressure.

  • Approximately 35 percent of the children and adolescents we see in our program have primary hypertension.
  • The incidence of primary hypertension in school-aged adolescents has nearly doubled in the last 30 years. This is believed to be associated with the steady increase in childhoodobesity费率。
  • Lifestyle modifications are an important part of our treatment for all pateints. We emphasize that weight control, exercise, and a healthy diet will help improve blood pressure and overall health.

Secondary hypertensionmeans that the elevation in blood pressure is caused by another medical condition.

  • Around 65 percent of the children and adolescents in our program receive treatment for secondary hypertension. Underlying causes for secondary hypertension include kidney, heart, and blood vessel disease or endocrine/hormonal imbalances. In addition, a number of medications may result in elevated blood pressure.
  • 怀疑有继发性高血压的儿童会尽可能接受定向治疗的彻底评估。由于我们在波士顿儿童医院工作,因此我们的临欧宝彩票平台床人员能够直接与其他专家进行沟通,并在适当的时候促进推荐。这种协作努力使我们能够为每个孩子或青少年提供最佳的治疗。

No matter what the underlying cause of an individual’s high blood pressure, the team of specialists in the Hypertension Program works to implement a treatment plan that can yield both short-term and long-term results.



Every member of our clinical team has experience treating high blood pressure in children, adolescents, and young adults with a wide range of medical conditions. Many of the pediatric patients we care for have high blood pressure as a result of kidney disease, such as reflux nephropathy andpolycystic kidney disease (PKD), or because of abnormalities in the blood vessels supplying the kidney (renal artery stenosis). We also know that children with endocrine disease, heart disease and those who receivebone marrow or organ transplantsmay develop high blood pressure. We work with the child’s entire medical team to determine what aspects of care can be improved to prevent worsening of hypertension.




点击这里to view a full list of programs and services offered by the Hypertension Program at Boston Children's.


迈克尔·弗格森(Michael Ferguson),医学博士;儿童高血压计划中的儿科肾脏科医生。

The Hypertension Clinic at Boston Children’s is held on the first and third Wednesday afternoons of every month on the 5th floor of the Fegan building at Boston Children's Hospital main campus. Children are seen by pediatric nephrologist迈克尔·弗格森(Michael Ferguson),医学博士or pediatric nephrologist Deborah Stein, MD.

To schedule an appointment, please call 617-355-6129.
