Current Environment:

Your Visit |Overview

Preparing for an appointment with the Head, Neck and Skull Base Surgery team

To request an appointment for your child, call617-355-5798. Please bring any relevant outside clinical information with you. These may includex-rays,MRIs,CT scans, pathology studies, operating room notes, or doctors' clinic notes.

What happens during the appointment?

Most visits last approximately one hour. However, some patients may need to see multiple specialists which can add time to an appointment. We recommend that you block out several hours for your appointment.

You and your child will meet with an ORL nurse for a brief physical exam and a review of your child's medical history. A physician will then perform a complete physical exam and discuss his or her findings with you at length. He will provide you with information regarding the next steps to be taken. In most cases, further tests or procedures may need to be arranged.

What happens after the appointment?

As part of our multidisciplinary team, specialists from the Departments ofOtolaryngology,Medical Oncology,Radiation Oncology,Radiology,Neurosurgery,Plastic Surgery,Pediatric Surgery, andPathologymeet on a regular basis to discuss and plan the best possible treatment for each individual patient. A member of the staff will contact you following the conference to discuss the recommended treatment plan for your child.

With the help of our dedicated staff, support groups, and social services, we continue to provide the highest quality medical care to all patients.
