Current Environment:

Improving Outcomes for Cancer Patients in Myanmar |Overview


一个t Yangon Children’s Hospital, in Myanmar, the Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Global Health Initiative (GHI) is partnering with pediatric oncology physicians and nurses in-country to improve outcomes for children with cancers and life-threatening blood disorders through program building, education, and research. The GHI is an interdisciplinary program of faculty, fellows, nurses, social workers, psychologists, health educators, and managers working to improve outcomes for children with cancer and blood disorders in countries with limited resources. Boston Children’s Hospital nurses who have worked in the field on the GHI include Colleen Nixon, Kathleen Houlahan, Lisa Morrissey, and Marilyn Moonan. Primary goals include building centers of excellence in pediatric hematology and oncology in the developing world, training the next generation of leaders, and establishing new lines of research in global health.
