Current Environment:

一个ddressing preventable deaths in children |Overview


In Tanzania, diarrhea is a major cause of mortality in children under age 5. Despite this, little research has been done to improve treatment.

Where We Started

克里斯托弗•达根医学儿科gastroent英里每小时erologist and nutrition physician at Boston Children's Hospital—where he directs the Center for Nutrition—is studying the micro-nutrient zinc and its use for diarrhea treatment in a two-country study (India and Tanzania).

Our Impact

The Zinc Therapeutic Dose Trial will determine the optimal dose of therapeutic zinc supplements for treatment of acute diarrhea in children under age 5 in low- and middle-income settings. The results of this trial are likely to be applicable to childhood acute diarrhea in similar resource-limited settings and may influence global policy about treatment of acute diarrhea.

You Can Make a Difference

With your support, we can continue vital research that will improve care for children and adults worldwide.