Current Environment:

NICU and PICU training |Overview

LOCATION:Latin America (Haiti)
TOPIC:Non-Communicable Diseases & Education

Michelle Labrecque。一个nna Gluckman and Alexis Schmid are leading a group of 41 nurses, 1 pharmacist, 1 physician and 1 project coordinator from Boston Children’s Hospital in on-site project implementation of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) & Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) certificate training course in Haiti for Haitian nurses. This certificate training course was developed to provide a comprehensive continuing education curriculum in NICU/PICU and to improve knowledge, skills and attitudes. The course provides Haitian nurses with specialized knowledge on critical care and promotes professional development. It is a 6.5-month course with a one-year follow-up to determine whether the improvement is sustained over a one-year period. For this course, 48 Haitian nurses, representing 11 hospitals across Haiti were chosen to learn the curriculum and gain skills necessary to teach their colleagues. Nurses selected for course participation were identified as leaders in their respective areas. Upon completion of course nurse participants will provide training at their local hospital.
