Current Environment:

我mproving Surgery Systems in Brazil |Overview

LOCATION:Latin America (Brazil)
TOPIC:Surgery & Research

The Program in Global Surgery and Social Change (PGSSC) has several projects in Brazil, focusing on surgical system strengthening through database and field research and nascent policy initiatives. Led by Dr. Nivaldo Alonso, the Chief of Craniofacial Surgery atHospital das Clinicas在圣保罗,巴西,PGSSC团队合作directly with two states to perform national-level data collection. In-country collaborators includeUniversidade Estadual do Amazonas(State University of Amazonas) andUniversidade de Sao Paulo(University of Sao Paolo), as well as the Burn Society of Brazil. We fully expect this project will continue to flourish under the strengthening relationships with local organizations.
